Amherstburg Launches Online Payment System

The Town of Amherstburg has launched an Online Payment Portal so residents can now make payments online for property taxes, parking fines and dog tags.

The online portal is available 24-7, but that convenience comes with a small price.

The service provider, Paymentus, charges a 1.5 per cent fee for payments using Debit Visa/Mastercard and a 2.5 per cent fee for any online payment using VISA or Mastercard.A graphic showing a hand holding a smartphone with a banking card on top of it.

The online portal is just an additonal option for residents, of course, and traditional payment methods remain in place. Pre-authorized payment plans, phone and internet banking, by mail, postdated cheques and in-person appointments continue to be available.

Other services may be considered for this online payment portal option in the future.

Developing a "customer experience strategy that leverages digital service delivery options" was one of the recommendations of a Service Delivery Review tabled with Council in October of 2020.

"Customers increasingly expect the use of digital tools and platforms to improve their experience," said the review. "Paperless and cashless opportunities can increase efficiency for the customer and the back office and enable staff to focus on the customer rather than labour-intensive processes. Post-COVID, there is an opportunity to adopt processes for contactless transactions, greater efficiency, and customer convenience."

Visit the Online Payment Portal!

An image of Donald McArthur urging people to sign up for his newsletter.

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  • Donald McArthur
    published this page in Town Hall Blog 2021-10-14 18:41:35 -0500
