Lions Pool Survey

petition going to council Monday night calls for the replacement of Lions Pool so that Amherstburg kids "continue to have a pool to call their own." 

"Public pools are vital community assets that enable children, families and seniors the opportunity to swim and stay healthy no matter their economic status," says the petition being spearheaded by Yvette Erickson and Tiffany Cote. 

What do you think? Does Amherstburg need a new pool? Should it be indoor or outdoor? And where should it go?

Please take this short survey to let me know!

Thanks and Go Aburg!

Do you think Amherstburg should replace the Lions Pool?

  • Melanie Vitale
    answered 2019-01-13 21:41:02 -0600
    Q: What would be your preferred location for a pool?
    A: Libro Centre
  • Melanie Vitale
    answered 2019-01-13 21:40:54 -0600
    Q: Would you prefer an indoor pool or an outdoor pool?
    A: Outdoor
  • Melanie Vitale
    answered 2019-01-13 21:40:36 -0600
    Q: Do you think Amherstburg should replace the Lions Pool?
    A: Yes
