Voting Record -- May 27, 2019

I was happy to support a noise By-law exemption for the Royal Canadian Legion, Fort Malden Branch 157 and I also supported bringing forward a report on the live streaming of council meetings.

As well, I voted to have the town try roller skating at the Libro Centre. 


 Great Lakes Water Levels - Current Conditions and Outlook - Tim Byrne, Essex Region Conservation Authority

Voted to receive the presentation and directed administration to place an advertisement in the RTT providing residents with information regarding rising lake levels and the resources and contact numbers that are available to them. Read the report on Great Lakes water levels!


 5.1 Request for Sign By-law Exemption for Ribfest -- Steve Butcher, Rotary Ribfest

Voted to support exemption to sign By-law to allow for advertising 28 days prior to the 2019 Ribfest event, which takes place July 5, 6 and 7 at the Libro Centre.

 5.2 and 5.3 Request for noise By-law exemption for Royal Canadian Legion and request for deferral

Voted to grant the Legion's request for a Noise By-law exemption for six months to allow patio music to continue; directed administration to facilitate meetings between the Legion and the affected residents; directed that the noise level be monitored by a sound engineer and that a report be brought back to Council. 

Reports - Parks, Facilities, Recreation and Culture

Thumbs down graphic 8.1Amherstburg Branding Strategy Tagline

Voting against an administration recommendation that the Town use "Born To Make History" as its tourism tagline. Opted to go without a tagline for now. 

Reports -- Planning, Development and Legislative Services

 10.1 Zoning By-law Amendment for 209 Sandwich Street N

Voted to pass By-law 2019-046 to amend the Zoning By-law to allow for a secondary residential driveway at 209 Sandwich Street South with the driveway exiting onto Brunner Avenue.

 10.2 Zoning By-law and Official Plan Amendment for 305, 319 and 327 Dalhousie Street

Passed By-law 2019-046 to amend the Official Plan to allow for the development of a four-storey hotel on the lands located at 305, 219 and 327 Dalhousie Street with access permitted from Dalhousie Street and Gore Street. Passed By-law 2019-044 to amend the Zoning By-law to allow for a minimum parking requirement of 75 spaces and three barrier-free spaces along with additional parking if needed in a vacant lot on Ramsay Street.

 10.3 2019 Special Events Approval

Approved the following special events: Seniors Expo from June 7-8; South Coast Adventure Race on June 15; the Canada D'Eh Run on July 1 and the Uncommon Festival on Sept. 27-29.

 Full-Time By-law Enforcement Officer

Authorized administration to convert the approved Part-Time By-law Enforcement Officer to a Full-Time By-law Enforcement Officer and approved an over-expenditure not to exceed $3,000. Read more about this decision!

Consent Correspondence

13.2 Town of Aurora Response to Bill 108, the More Homes, More Choice Act

Directed administration to send correspondence in support of the Town of Aurora's opposition to Bill 108, the More Homes, More Choices Act.

New Business

 Live Streaming of Council Meetings

Directed administration to bring back a report on the cost to live stream Council Meetings.

 Roller Skating at the Libro Centre

Directed administration to run a Roller Skating night at the Libro Centre. Read my Roller Skating blog post! The town will run Roller Skating nights on Saturdays from June 15th through to the end of July. 


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