Voting Record -- Oct. 28, 2019

I was impressed with the presentation on tiny houses by the Stella Maris robotics team and I supported the vision and funding request laid out in the Great Spaces, Great Places project proposal. Here's how I voted on Oct. 28th:


 5.1 Request to Allow Backyard Chickens for Therapeutic Purposes - Miranda Ronholm

Granted a request from Miranda Ronholm to keep her backyard chickens for therapeutic purposes until the Animal Control By-Law is brought forward for consideration.

 5.2 Request for Tiny House By-law - The Raybots Robotics Team, Stella Maris Catholic Elementary School

Directed Administration to send a letter in support of tiny homes to all Ontario Municipalities and the Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO).

 5.3 Request for the Town of Amherstburg to Take Part in 'Green' Initiatives - Paul Hertel

Directed administration to develop a green review on the Town's fleet, to investigate green festivals, to investigate green builds on new and existing developments and to bring back a report on the feasibility of establishing a Committee on the Environment. 

 5.4 Parking on Windermere Place - Mark & Heidi Olivito and Lisa Carnelos, Windermere Place Residents  

Encouraged neighbours to work with Administration on a Local Improvement Plan to address parking issues and report back to Council.


 6.1 By-law 2019-086 Capital Works Borrowing – OILC Debenture Application

Authorized the Treasurer to transfer $476,682.18 from the Wastewater Reserve to fund the wastewater project for cleaning of McGregor Lagoon – Cell 1; and, passed
By-law 2019-086 being a by-law to authorize the submission of an Application to Ontario Infrastructure and Lands Corporation (OILC) for long-term financing of certain capital works and to authorize the entering into of a rate offer letter agreement pursuant to which the Municipality will issue debentures to OILC.


 8.1 Kingsbridge Subdivision Phase 8A - Acceptance of Infrastructure 

Accepted and assumed the underground infrastructure in Kingsbridge Subdivision – Phase 8A along Lavers Crescent from Brown Street northerly, Mullen Crescent, Patten Crescent and Davis Street.


 10.1 As Deferred on Sept. 9, 2019 - Establishing a Lobbyist Registry and Appointing a Lobbyist Registrar

Voted to simply receive the report and take no action.

 10.2 Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program (ICIP) - Amherstburg Great Spaces, Great Places Project

Directed Administration to submit a funding application to the Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program (ICIP) for funding toward the individual project cap of $50
million in total eligible project cost for the Amherstburg Great Spaces, Great Places Project; and, to make the necessary municipal contribution provisions in the 2020 Budget for the Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program.


 Dangerous Dog Committee

Waived Section 3.4 of the Town’s Boards and Committees Appointment Policy to allow Chris Drew to be appointed to more than two (2) Boards or Committees in a Term of Council; and, appointed Chris Drew, David Fox and Cassandra Malcolm to the Dangerous Dog Appeal Committee.

