I supported a motion calling on Mayor Aldo DiCarlo to write a letter to be published in the RTT outlining the Town's response to COVID-19 and supported purchasing ad in the 2020 Annual Show Book for the Essex County Steam & Gas Engine Museum Inc. Here's how I voted on April 14, 2020:
6.1 Request to Remove Water Charges - Walter Afanasiew
Directed Mr. Afanasiew, owner of 1287713 Ontario Ltd., pay the outstanding water charges billed against the property at 1175 Concession 2 N within 1 year, and waived the interest on the water charges.
7.1 2020 Annual Show Book - Essex County Steam & Gas Engine Museum Inc.
Supported placing a 1/4 page, black and white advertisement in the amount of $115.00 in the 2020 Annual Show Book for the Essex County Steam & Gas Engine Museum Inc.
8.2 Economic Development Advisory Committee
Directed the Economic Development Advisory Committee investigate types of assistance that can be extended to small businesses as a result of the pandemic.
8.3 Town's COVID-19 Response
Directed the Mayor to write a letter to be published in the River Town Times in response to resident concerns regarding staff layoffs and staff redeployment in response to COVID-19.