I was happy to support the construction of a dog park at the Libro Centre and move forward an apartment building at the corner of Sandwich Street and Brunner Avenue. Here's how I voted on April 25, 2022:
7.1 Appoint Deputy Fire Chief - Ron Meloche
That By-law 2022-049 being a by-law to Appoint a Deputy Fire Chief for the Amherstburg Fire Department be taken as having been read three times and finally passed and the Mayor and Clerk BE AUTHORIZED to sign same.
7.2 Appoint Assistant Deputy Fire Chief - Dan Monk
That By-law 2022-050 being a by-law to Appoint an Assistant Deputy Fire Chief for the Amherstburg Fire Department be taken as having been read three times and finally passed and the Mayor and Clerk BE AUTHORIZED to sign same.
8.1 Request for Expansion of Pickleball Facilities - Richard White, Amherstburg Pickleball Association
That the delegation BE RECEIVED.
8.2 Investment in Electric Vehicle Chargers -Ken Morrison, Felicia Cristofaro, and Eric Freeze, Thrive Amherstburg
1. The delegation BE RECEIVED; and,
2. That $120,000 BE DEDICATED and BE FUNDED from either reserves or as a pre-commitment to the 2023 Capital Budget, whichever is deemed best by Administration after performing its due diligence, to allow the Town to apply for the available Federal grant which will offset the cost of the charging stations.
8.3 Zoning By-law Amendment for Brunner Avenue and Sandwich Street -Rob Piroli, Piroli Group
1. The delegation BE RECEIVED;
2. The proposed Zoning By-law Amendment for lands located on the northeast corner of Brunner Avenue and Sandwich Street (File ZBA-05- 22), owned by 1603941 Ontario Inc. BE APPROVED IN PRINCIPLE subject to:
• Confirmation in writing from the applicant's soil consultant that all clauses in the Official Plan (sections 2.3, 2.8.2 and 4.4.3) relating to soil conditions have been complied with;
• The applicant provides an updated site plan demonstrating that both phases of the development meet a minimum requirement of 1.25 parking spaces per apartment unit;
3. All the above conditions BE MET prior to the passing of the amending zoning by-law. When the above noted conditions are met, the amending site specific zoning by-law will be placed on a future Council agenda for adoption;
4. Prior to final site plan control approval being granted for the Phase 1 building the following items will need to BE INCORPORATED as part of the required site plan agreement:
• That the applicant complies with the recommendations of the acoustical report.
• That the applicant complies with the recommendations of the Heritage Committee.
• That the applicant complies with the recommendations of the Essex Region Conservation Authority and obtain all necessary permits and/or approvals.
• That the applicant complies with all other agency comments received by the Town.
• That the applicant complies with the requirements of all municipal departments.
• That the applicant has their biologist confirm in writing the mitigation measures that are required to ensure compliance with the Endangered Species Act.
• Install perimeter fencing adjacent to the industrial lands, the height and type to be determined as part of the site plan agreement.
• That the applicant complies with the traffic study to the satisfaction of the Town Engineer.
• That the applicant complies with all other applicable by law/policies of the Town.
10.1 Dog Park in Amherstburg
1. The Dog Park in Amherstburg report dated April 11, 2022 BE RECEIVED;
2. Council APPROVE the installation of a Dog park at the Li bro Centre located at 3295 Meloche Road in the expansion lands south of the Libro Complex; and,
3. Council DIRECT Administration to proceed with the installation of a Dog Park at the above noted location as approved in the Capital Budget in the amount of $166,000. AND INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES
10.2 State of Tennis Courts at Malden Park
1. The report on the state of tennis courts at Malden Park BE RECEIVED; and
2. Funding BE DEFERRED to the 2023 Capital Budget for the replacement of 2 tennis/pickle ball courts in central Amherstburg in the amount of $550,000.
11.1 2022 Mill and Pave Program - Tender Results
1. The 2022 Mill and Pave Program Tender BE AWARDED to Armstrong Paving and Materials Group Ltd. for an amount not to exceed
$661,258.62 plus H.S.T to complete rehabilitation works for Wilkinson Court, Hamilton Drive, Victoria Street South (Pickering to Simcoe),
Victoria Street South (Alma to Hamilton) and Point West Drive (east side);
2. An over-expenditure not to exceed $75,030 for the 2022 Mill and Pave Program for a total cost not to exceed $675,030 including net HST BE APPROVED to be funded as outlined in the report from the Manager of Engineering dated April 7, 2022; and,
3. The Mayor and Clerk BE AUTHORIZED to execute an agreement with Armstrong Paving and Materials Group Ltd. for the 2022 Mill and Pave program.
12.1 24 Sandwich Street South - Notice of Intent to Designate
1. Notice of Intent to Designate 24 Sandwich Street South BE GIVEN to designate the property by municipal bylaw in accordance with the Ontario Heritage Act and;
2. The Notice of Intent to Designate 24 Sandwich Street South CONTAIN the Statement of Cultural Heritage Value or Interest and the list of Heritage Attributes as recommended by the Heritage Committee.
12.2 Additions to the Heritage Register
That the property at 355 Dalhousie Street BE LISTED on The Town of Amherstburg's Heritage Register as a non-designated property of cultural heritage value or interest in accordance with section 27(3) of the Ontario Heritage Act.
12.3 Amending By-law to Update the Site Plan Control Area By-law
That By-law 2022-045 being a by-law to Designate a Site Plan Control Area for the Town of Amherstburg be taken as having been read three times and finally passed and the Mayor and Clerk BE AUTHORIZED to sign same.
13.1 Electronic Meeting Participation for Members
That By-law 2022-047, as amended to include a requirement that any
electronic participation must take place from inside Canada, being a by-law to Amend By-law 2014-91 to Permit Electronic Participation be taken as
having been read three times and finally passed and the Mayor and Clerk BE AUTHORIZED to sign same.
13.2 Next Generation 911 Authority Agreement
2. The Mayor and Clerk BE AUTHORIZED to execute the Next Generation Authority Agreement with Bell Canada.
13.3 Multiple Fire Services By-law Updates
• Fire Department Establishing and Regulating Bylaw
• By-law to Impose Fees for False Fire Alarms
• By-law to Regulate Open Air Burning within the Town of Amherstburg
• By-law Respecting the Sale and Setting Off of Fireworks in the Town of Amherstburg
Resolution # 20220425-18
Resolution # 20220425-19
15.1 County Participation in the Regional Food and Organics Waste Program -County of Essex
16.1 Fibromyalgia Awareness Day - May 12, 2022
2. May 12, 2022 BE PROCLAIMED as Fibromyalgia Awareness Day in
the Town of Amherstburg; and,
3. The Amherstburg sign in the Kings Navy Yard Park BE ILLUMINATED in purple on May 12, 2022.
Resolution# 20220425-21
That the following minutes BE RECEIVED:
17.1 Committee of Adjustment Meeting Minutes- March 1, 2022
Resolution # 20220425-22
That the 2 hour parking signs on Laird Street behind General Amherst High School BE REMOVED until the the completion of the school year.
That By-law 2022-051 being a by-law to Confirm the Proceedings of the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Amherstburg be taken as having been read three times and finally passed and the Mayor and Clerk BE AUTHORIZED to sign same.