Voting Record -- Feb. 11, 2019

My council colleagues and I voted to support the installation of road signs to discourage impaired driving and asked administration to draft a by-law to address the feeding of wildlife and feral cats.

Here's how I voted:


10.1 Request to Install 10 Road Signs - Chaouki Hamka, MADD Windsor and Essex County.

Supported the request to install 10 Road Signs around town to discourage impaired driving.

10.2 Request for Cat Control By-law

Listened to resident Doug Patterson discuss an ongoing issue with feral cats and voted to have administration craft a by-law to deal with cats and the feeding of wildlife.

Reports - Corporate Services

12.1 2019 Fees By-law

Approved the recommended changes in fees and charges and passed By-law 2019-010 to Establish User Fees or Charges for Services, Activities or the Use of Property

Reports - Engineering and Public Works

14.1 Drinking Water Quality Management System 2.0 Issuance - 2019

Approved the Drinking Water Quality Management System Operational Plan for the Amherstburg Water Distribution System.

14.2 Rapid Drainage Joint Use Agreement

Approved the Joint Use Agreement for the Edgewater Lagoons between Rapid Drainage and the Town

Reports - Planning, Development and Legislative Services

15.1 Development Agreement with 1710791 Ontario Ltd. for 35 Renaud Street - Home Hardware

Approved the development agreement between the town and 170791 Ontario Ltd. for 35 Renaud Street (Home Hardware).

Reports - CAO's Office

16.1 2018-2022 Committee Appointments

Voted to appoint lay members to several town committees. Supported a recommendation by Coun. Michael Prue to expand seniors' committee to include all applicants. 

16.2 Audit Advisory Committee - Terms of Reference and Appointments

Supported expanding the committee and supported it having more residents than councillors

18 - Consent Correspondence

18.1 5th Military Service Recognition Book - Royal Canadian Legion Ontario Command

Supported placing a 1/2 page ad in the publication for $730

19 - Other Minutes

19.1 Drainage Board Meeting Minutes - Feb. 5, 2019

Approved the drainage apportionments for land parcel severances and approved the appointment of R. Dobbin Engineering Inc. for a new access culvert over the Hamel Drain and a replacement culvert over the Dupuis Drain. Approved the appointment of Dillon Consulting Ltd. to prepare a report on the Parks Drain.

23 - By-laws

Passed By-law 2019-015 and 2019-018 to appoint members to Committee of Adjustment and Municipal Heritage Committee.
