I was happy to support the sale of the Fighting Island Boxing Club property for $800,000, approve funding for the redevelopment of Centennial and Jack Purdie Parks and pass the 2022 Operating Budget. Here's how I voted on February 14, 2022:
Resolution # 20220214-02
That: 1. The report from the Manager of Human Resources BE RECEIVED; and,
2. Administration BE DIRECTED to proceed on the verbal directions of Council.
Resolution # 20220214-03
That: 1. APPROVAL BE GIVEN to the sale of the property known municipally as 300 Victoria Street under the following terms and conditions: PROPERTY BEING SOLD: An approximate 24,654 square foot (180’ x 137’) site located at the north west corner of Simcoe Street and Victoria Street and described legally as PT. E. PT Lot 2, Concession 1, Malden, and more particularly as Part 2,12R-18093, Amherstburg;
BUYER: 2787763 Ontario Limited;
SALE PRICE: $800,000 plus HST if applicable;
DEPOSIT: $40,000.00;
CLOSING DATE: The transaction will be completed on March 30, 2022.
CONDITIONS: The offer is solely conditional upon acceptance by Town Council within 6 weeks of the initial acceptance of the offer by the Chief Administrative Officer, failing which the offer becomes null and void and the Buyer’s deposit will be returned in full without interest, bonus or penalty; and,
2. That the Mayor and Clerk BE AUTHORIZED to sign any documents required to complete the transaction prepared in form and content satisfactory to the Town’s solicitor.
10.1 John Parks Drain No.1 Improvements - Frank and Gina Storino, Landowners
That: 1. The delegation BE RECEIVED;
2. Correspondence from Frank and Gina Storino dated February 2, 2022 requesting an extension to the maximum debenture term and financial assistance relating to their drainage assessments for Improvements to the John Parks Drain No.1 BE RECEIVED;
3.The request from Frank and Gina Storino regarding an extension to the maximum debenture term to 10 (ten) years relating to their drainage assessments for Improvements to the John Parks Drain No.1 BE APPROVED;
4. The Drainage Board Meeting Minutes of February 1, 2022 BE RECEIVED;
6. An over-expenditure not to exceed $89,157 for the Repair and Improvement to the John Parks Drain No.1 project, for a total cost not to exceed $234,417 including net HST BE APPROVED and BE FUNDED by recoveries from benefitting property owners, as recommended by the Drainage Board;
7. The tender for the John Parks Drain No.1 BE AWARDED to J.C.S. Construction Inc. for an amount not to exceed $171,574.60 plus H.S.T.; as recommended by the Drainage Board;
8. The Mayor and Clerk BE AUTHORIZED to execute an agreement with J.C.S. Construction Inc. for completion of the John Parks Drain No. 1 Improvements, as recommended by the Drainage Board;
9. An over-expenditure not to exceed $101,200 for the Repair and Improvement to the John Parks Drain No.2 project, for a total cost not to exceed $296,382 including net HST BE APPROVED and BE FUNDED by recoveries from benefitting property owners, as recommended by the Drainage Board;
10. The tender for the John Parks Drain No.2 Council BE AWARDED by Council to South Shore Contracting of Essex County Inc. for an amount not to exceed $244,900 plus H.S.T., as recommended by the Drainage Board;
11. The Mayor and Clerk BE AUTHORIZED to execute an agreement with South Shore Contracting of Essex County Inc. for completion of the John Parks Drain No. 2 Improvements, as recommended by the Drainage Board;
12. The engineer’s report for the McBride Road Branch of the Willow Beach Drain Conveyance Improvements BE CONSIDERED; and, 13. By-law 2022-002 being a by-law to provide for the McBride Road Branch of the Willow Beach Drain Conveyance Improvements based on the Drainage Report by N.J. Peralta Engineering Inc. BE PROVISIONALLY ADOPTED by giving first and second reading and the Mayor and Clerk BE AUTHORIZED to sign same.
10.2 Stillbrook Accessible Retirement Residences - Dr. Peter Nord (Items 10.3, 10.4, and 15.5 were moved forward.)
That: 1. The delegation for Items 10.2, 10.3, and 10.4 BE RECEIVED;
2. Item 15.5 being a report regarding a proposed seniors assisted living development from Stillbrook Retirement Residences BE RECEIVED.
11.1 2022 Final Approved Operating Budget
That: 1. The 2022 Operating Budget BE ADOPTED and the 2022 total own purposes tax levy of $26,828,975 including $25,492,486 general levy and $1,336,489 special capital levy, BE APPROVED; and,
2. Administration REPORT BACK with a Final Levy By-law for adoption of the 2022 tax rates, based on the approved 2022 own purposes tax levy.
11.2 2022 Capital Budget
That the 2022 Capital Budget BE TABLED and that Council review the proposed projects at a Special Meeting on Tuesday, February 22, 2022.
12.1 Centennial Park and Jack Purdie Park Update
That: 1. Council APPROVE funds for the re-development of H. Murray Smith/ Centennial Park and Jack Purdie Park in the amount of $100,000 each as recommended in the proposed 2022 Capital Budget; and,
2. The Director of Parks, Recreation, Facilities & Culture (“PFRC”) BE DIRECTED to continue with the park re-development public consultation process for H. Murray Smith/ Centennial Park and Jack Purdie Park based on public feedback received to date.
12.2 Former ACS Building Contents Disposal
That Council DIRECT Administration to proceed with disposal through sale or auction of fixtures and items inside of the former ACS Building and DIRECT the proceeds to the Facilities operational budget centre.
12.3 Playground Equipment
That: 1. Council APPROVE the removal of non-compliant playground equipment identified in this report; and,
2. Council DEFER discussion on funding of the playground replacement for Briar Ridge Park and Jack Purdie Park to the 2022 Capital Budget discussions on February 22, 2022.
13.1 Amendments to Traffic By-Law 2011-69
That By-law 2022-006 being a By-law to Amend By-law 2011-69 be taken as having been read three times and finally passed and the Mayor and Clerk BE AUTHORIZED to sign same.
13.2 Gore Street and Ramsay Street Traffic Concern
That: 1. An unbudgeted expenditure for the preparation of engineering, design, plans and tender documents for the Improvements to the Intersection of Gore Street and Ramsay Street not to exceed $10,000 BE APPROVED and the over-expenditure BE FUNDED from the Public Works Operations – Professional Fees; and,
2. Administration BE DIRECTED to report back on construction estimates for the Improvements to the Intersection of Gore Street and Ramsay Street in the 2023 Capital Budget for Council’s consideration.
13.4 2021 Fleet Vehicle Purchase Update
That: 1. An over-expenditure for the purchase of a mid-size extended cab pick up truck not to exceed $1,491 BE APPROVED for a total cost not to exceed $35,306 including net HST and that the over-expenditure BE FUNDED from the Fleet Reserve; and,
2. An over-expenditure for the purchase of a ¾ ton crew cab pick up truck not to exceed $5,556 BE APPROVED for a total cost not to exceed $51,338 including net HST and that the over-expenditure BE FUNDED from the Fleet Reserve.
15.1 2022 Municipal Election – Voting Method
That: 1. The Clerk BE DIRECTED to notify the Minister of Municipal Affairs & Housing as well as the public, of its intention to consider and pass, on February 28, 2022, a By-law to place the following question on the 2022 municipal election ballot: Are you in favour of a Ward Election System?; and,
2. The Clerk BE DIRECTED to bring a By-law to place a question on the 2022 municipal election ballot to the February 28, 2022 meeting of Council for Council’s final consideration and approval.
15.2 New Yard Maintenance By-Law
That: 1. The report from the Manager of Licensing and Enforcement dated January 17, 2022 regarding a new Yard Maintenance By-Law BE RECEIVED;
2. By-law 2022-007 being a Yard Maintenance By-Law be taken as having been read three times and finally passed and the Mayor and Clerk BE AUTHORIZED to sign same; and,
3. By-law 2005-60 & 2005-26 BE REPEALED.
15.3 Amendments to the Salary Administration Policy and the Drugs and Alcohol Policy
That: 1. The following policies BE AMENDED as recommended in the report from the Acting Manager of Human Resources dated January 24, 2022: a. Salary Administration Policy b. Drugs and Alcohol Policy
15.4 Portable Sign Exemption from Moratorium/Waiving of Fees
That: 1. The report from the Manager of Licensing and Enforcement dated January 27, 2022 regarding Portable Signs BE RECEIVED; and,
2. Council LIFT the current moratorium on portable signs for the rest of the calendar year of 2022; and,
3. Council WAIVE the portable sign fees for 2022
15.6 Road Closure of Whitewood Ridge Boulevard, Conveyance of a Portion of Whitewood Ridge Boulevard, Road Dedication of Hickory View Court as a Public Highway and Development Agreement for Hickory View Court
That Item 15.6 BE DEFERRED to the February 28, 2022, Regular Council Meeting.
Resolution # 20220214-21
That the following reports BE RECEIVED for information: 16.1 2021 Year End Building Activity Report
16.2 By-Law Enforcement Request for Service Timelines
16.3 2021 Census of Population – Town of Amherstburg
Resolution # 20220214-22
That the following consent correspondence BE RECEIVED:
17.1 Integrated Management Plan for Plastics - Essex County Support for City of Windsor Resolution
17.2 Addressing and Closing the Revolving Door of Justice - City of Brantford Resolution
17.3 Regional Food and Organics and Biosolids Waste Management Project - Essex-Windsor Solid Waster Authority Board
17.4 Bridge and Culvert Replacements in Rural Municipalities, Funding Request - Township of Adjala-Tosorontio Resolution
17.5 FCM Voice - Federation of Canadian Municipalities
17.6 Intake 3 Municipal Modernization Program, Government Funding - Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing
17.7 Judicial Resources in the Provincial Offence Courts - Town of Mono Correspondence
17.8 Ontario Wildlife Damage Compensation Program - Federal and Provincial Ministers of Agriculture
17.9 Province-wide Assessment Update for the 2022 and 2023 Taxation Years - Municipality of Shuniah Resolution
Resolution # 20220214-23
Item # 17.1 – That the resolution from the City of Windsor regarding the Integrated Management Plan for Plastics BE SUPPORTED.
18.1 Housing Affordability Task Force Report and Call to Re-examine Hospital Capital Funding - AMO Policy Update
That: 1. The correspondence dated February 8, 2022 regarding Housing Affordability Task Force Report and Call to Re-examine Hospital Capital Funding - AMO Policy Update BE RECEIVED; and,
2. The work of AMO and its position to provide a coordinated response to the Housing Affordability Task Force Report BE SUPPORTED.
7. Resolution # 20220214-25
That Administration BE DIRECTED to bring a report regarding Toronto’s Green Standard to see if that initiative is feasible in Amherstburg.
23.1 By-Law 2022-010 - To Appoint Provincial Offenses Officers
That By-law 2022-010 being a by-law to Appoint Provincial Offenses Officers be taken as having been read three times and finally passed and the Mayor and Clerk BE AUTHORIZED to sign same.
23.2 By-Law 2022-011 - To Appoint By-Law Enforcement Officers Weed
That By-law 2022-011 being a by-law to Appoint By-law Enforcement Officer Weed Inspectors be taken as having been read three times and finally passed and the Mayor and Clerk BE AUTHORIZED to sign same.
23.3 By-law 2021-073 - Tremblay Drain - Replacement Bridge For MN 7823 - 3rd & Final Reading
That By-law 2021-073 being a by-law to provide for the Tremblay Drain - Replacement Bridge for MN 7823 be taken as having been read a 3rd & Final time and finally passed and the Mayor and Clerk BE AUTHORIZED to sign same.
23.4 By-law 2021-074 - 3rd Concession Drain North - Bridge For Blais - 3rd & Final Reading
That By-law 2021-074 being a by-law to provide for the 3rd Concession Drain North - Bridge For Blais be taken as having been read a 3rd & Final time and finally passed and the Mayor and Clerk BE AUTHORIZED to sign same
23.5 By-law 2022-019 - To Appoint a Clerk and Deputy Clerks
That By-law 2022-019 being a by-law to Appoint a Clerk and Deputy Clerks for the Town of Amherstburg be taken as having been read three times and finally passed and the Mayor and Clerk BE AUTHORIZED to sign same.
23.6 By-law 2022-020 - To Appoint a Treasurer and Deputy Treasurer
That By-law 2022-020 being a by-law to Appoint a Treasurer and Deputy Treasurer for the Town of Amherstburg be taken as having been read three times and finally passed and the Mayor and Clerk BE AUTHORIZED to sign same.
23.7 By-law 2022-021 - Confirmatory By-law
That By-law 2022-021 being a by-law to Confirm all Resolutions of the Municipal Council Meetings held on January 24th and February 14th, 2022, be taken as having been read three times and finally passed and the Mayor and Clerk BE AUTHORIZED to sign same.