I voted in favour of having Administration come up with various concepts for the highest and best uses of Jack Purdie Park and the north end of Centennial Park and to consult the public about those options. I wrote more about it in this blog post. Here's how I voted on February 22, 2021:
9.1 and 9.2 Exemption Request, Noise By-law 2001-43 - Paul Sousa, President, SunParlor RIC Flyers Inc. and Opposition to Exemption Request, Noise By-law 2001-43 - Tom Bateman
Voted to receive the delegations.
10.1 2021 OCIF - Formula Based Capital Projects
The following projects BE APPROVED for completion in 2021 to be funded by Ontario Community Infrastructure Fund - Formula Based funding as a transfer from Reserve Fund - Ontario Grants:
a. $315,000 allowance for Culvert 8 Replacement;
b. $375,000 allowance for Culvert 38 Replacement;
c. $225,000 allowance for Pointe West Drive Mill & Pave (westside); and,
d. $50,000 allowance for Wyandotte St Mill & Pave (full extent).
e. $50,000 allowance for Wyandotte St Mill & Pave (full extent)
11.1 Status Public Art - King's Navy Yard Park Mural Project
That the Treasurer BE AUTHORIZED to transfer up to $10,000 to fund the project from the Donations Reserve Fund for the King's Navy Yard Park Mural Project.
11.2 Update 320 Richmond Project
That: 1. Administration BE DIRECTED to complete the scope of work identified in the May 25, 2020 report to Council for Phase 2 of 320 Richmond;
2. A 2021 expenditure for completion of the works at 320 Richmond Project Phase 2, as outlined it the report from the Director of Parks, Facilities, Recreation & Culture dated February 11, 2021, BE
APPROVED at a cost not to exceed $329,800 including net HST;
3. The Treasurer BE AUTHORIZED to transfer an amount not to exceed $329,800 from the Parks Reserve account, to fund the 320 Richmond Project as previously approved by Council in the May 25, 2020 report for Phase 2; and,
4. The Treasurer BE AUTHORIZED to transfer an amount not to exceed $329,800 from the Parks Reserve account, to fund the 320 Richmond Project as previously approved by Council in the May 25, 2020 report
for Phase 2.
12.1 Lemay-Cookson Pumpworks and Lemay-Cookson Branch Drain - Tender Results
An over-expenditure not to exceed $113,719 BE APPROVED for the Repair and Improvement to the Lemay-Cookson Pumpworks and Lemay-Cookson Branch Drain project, for a total cost not to exceed
$505,719 including net HST to be funded by recoveries from benefitting property owners;
2. The Town's estimate of the over-expenditure not to exceed $95,887 including net HST be funded from current taxation BE APPROVED, with any surplus/deficit resulting from taxation funded operations to be
addressed through recommendations in the year end (Q4) variance report;
3. The Lemay-Cookson Pumpworks and Lemay-Cookson Branch Drain Tender BE AWARDED to Murray Mills Excavating and Trucking (Sarnia) Ltd. for an amount not to exceed $418,907 plus H.S.T.; and,
4. The Mayor and Clerk BE AUTHORIZED to execute an agreement with Murray Mills Excavating and Trucking (Sarnia) Ltd. for completion of the Lemay-Cookson Pumpworks and Lemay-Cookson Branch Drain
13.1 Boblo Island South End Development Street Name Request
That the proposed street names Bois Blanc Boulevard, Driftwood Crescent and Sandcastle Crescent for Street A, Street B and Street C respectively of the Boblo Island South End Development BE APPROVED.
13.2 320 Ramsay St - Notice of Intent to Demolish
1. The application for demolition of 320 Ramsay Street, Amherstburg BE SUPPORTED subject to the following condition:
o The owners of 320 Ramsay St. BE REQUIRED to submit permit drawings for construction of a new home at 320 Ramsay Street to the Heritage Committee for review to ensure that heritage elements are incorporated into the new design and construction of the building.
o The owners of 320 Ramsay St. BE REQUIRED to submit permit drawings for construction of a new home at 320 Ramsay Street to the Heritage Committee for review to ensure that heritage elements are incorporated into the new design and construction of the building.
14.1 Amherstburg Emergency Response Plan - 2021 Update
That: 1. The updated Emergency Response Plan attached (Appendix "A") BE APPROVED, as presented; and,
2. By-law 2021-008 attached (Appendix C) being a by-law to adopt an Emergency Response Plan governing the provisions of necessary services during such emergencies be taken as having been read three
times and finally passed and the Mayor and Clerk BE AUTHORIZED to sign same.
14.2 Update C/R 20201214-452
That the ice NOT BE INSTALLED at the Libro Centre in accordance with C/R 20201214-452.
14.3 Proactive Committee Oversight
The report regarding Proactive Committee Oversight BE RECEIVED; and, 2. Administration BE DIRECTED to prepare a report regarding the establishment of a striking committee prior to the end of the current
term of Council so that it can be considered at the first meeting of the new term of Council.
14.4 Resolution# 20201123-441 - Corporate Strategic Plan
That Administration BE DIRECTED to procure the services required to facilitate & develop a Corporate Strategic Plan.
14.5 Municipal Modernization Program - Intake 2
That 1. The submission by Town of Amherstburg of an application for funding from the Municipal Modernization Program (MMP) Intake 2 toward implementation of recommendations from the Service Delivery Review (2020) BE SUPPORTED; and,
2. Administration BE DIRECTED to engage professional services, in accordance with the program eligibility requirements, to undertake recommendations as outlined in the recent Service Delivery Review.
14.6 Affordable Housing - Council Question
That Council direct Administration to draft a strategic policy, as a supplement to the Official Plan and Community Improvement Plan, to encourage and facilitate development and provision of affordable housing in the Town of Amherstburg and to bring policy to council for their consideration and implementation.
14.7 Jack Purdie Park and H. Murray Smith Park Land Use Options
That Options 1 & 2 BE CONSIDERED together and Options 3 & 4 BE CONSIDERED separately.
14.7 Jack Purdie Park and H. Murray Smith Park Land Use Options
That Administration BE DIRECTED to proceed with public consultation for the rezoning of a portion of Jack Purdie Park in accordance with the highest and best use for the subject lands in accordance with the Town's Official Plan regarding Housing First Policy.
14.7 Jack Purdie Park and H. Murray Smith Park Land Use Options
That Administration BE DIRECTED to proceed with public consultation for the redevelopment of H. Murray Smith/Centennial Park as an Athletic Park and Heritage Park in accordance with the recommendations of the Council approved 2018 Parks master Plan.
14.7 Jack Purdie Park and H. Murray Smith Park Land Use Options
That Administration BE DIRECTED to proceed with public consultation for the rezoning of H. Murray Smith/Centennial Park in accordance with the highest and best use for the subject lands in accordance with the Town's Official Plan for Housing First Policy.
16.1 International Women's Day, Feature in The Windsor Star - POSTMEDIA Solutions
That the consent correspondence BE RECEIVED and Administration BE DIRECTED to place a 1/8 page advertisement in the amount of $570 in the Windsor Star's special section highlighting International Women's Day on March 8th, 2021.
Donald McArthur published this page in Town Hall Blog 2021-04-19 18:56:29 -0500