I was happy to support the Bob Meloche Kids Fishing Derby and the Ribs and Ragtime event hosted by the Amherstburg Freedom Museum and I voted in favour of establishing an Environmental Advisory Committee. Here's how I voted on February 24, 2020:
5.1 AMA Sportsmen Association - Request to Waive Park Rental Fee for Bob Meloche Kids Fishing Derby - Chris Drew
Voted in favour of waiving fees for the use of King’s Navy Yard Park for the annual Bob Meloche Kids Fishing Derby.
5.2 Amherstburg Freedom Museum - Request to Waive Fee for Ribs & Ragtime - Mary-Katherine Whelan
Voted to waive the road closure fee for the Amherstburg Freedom’s Ribs and Ragtime event.
9.1 2020 Special Events Approval – Part I
Voted to grant fee waivers and exemptions for several community events.
9.2 Ontario Consultation – Cannabis Consumption Venues and Special Occasion Permits
Voted to defer discussion to the March 9 meeting pending a completed survey from Administration on the Town’s position on Cannabis consumption cafes and Special Occasion Permits.
10.1 Feasibility of Amherstburg Environmental Advisory Committee
Voted in favour of creating an Environmental Advisory Committee comprised of five members of the public and two members of Council and to add an environmental component to the mandate of the Town’s other committees.
12.1 Request for Support from Essex County Federation of Agriculture - Bill 156, Security from Trespass and Protecting Food Safety Act, 2019
Voted to direct Administration to send correspondence to the Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs in support of Bill 156: Security from Trespass and Protecting Food Safety Act.
13.3 Economic Development Advisory Committee Minutes – February 6, 2020
Directed Administration to:
- Approach the owner of the former Honeywell site to investigate creating a master plan to determine its highest and best use.
- Bring back a report on obtaining waterfront properties as they become available in accordance with the Town’s Official Plan.
- Refer the Transportation Study to the Economic Development Advisory Committee before it is presented to Council.
14.4 City of Pickering - Addressing Growing Municipal Liability and Insurance Costs
Supported the AMO submission to the Attorney General of Ontario regarding Addressing Growing Municipal Liability and Insurance Costs.
15.1 Boblo Ferry
Directed Administration to contact AMICO about rectifying the inability to offer ferry transportation to our Fire Department vehicles and bring an update back to Council in a timely manner.
15.5 Downtown Parking
Directed Administration to meet with businesses in the downtown core to assist them with locations for staff parking and to look into the feasibility of staff permit parking, including overnight parking, and to educate businesses and the community on downtown parking.