Voting Record -- February 8, 2021

I seconded a motion to immediately begin public consultation on the replacement of aging playground equipment in Jack Purdie and Briar Ridge Parks and successfully introduce a motion to have the Town ask the school board if it could have the dirt generated by school construction to make a small hill or contoured land for, say, a BMX pump track.

Here's how I voted on February 8, 2021:


 5.1 Request to Change Parking Time in Front of Queen Charlotte Building - Robert Iannucci, Nucceli's Frozen Yogurt

Voted in favour of 2-hour parking on Dalhousie Street in front of the Queen Charlotte building. 


8.1 Meadow View Estates Subdivision - Phase 1 - Accept and Assume Underground Infrastructure

Voted to accept and assume the underground infrastructure for Meadow View Estates Subdivision - Phase 1.

 8.2 Meadow View Estates Subdivision Phase 2 - Accept and Assume Underground Infrastructure

Voted to accept and assume the underground infrastructure for Meadow View Estates Subdivision – Phase 2; accept the recommendations of the consulting engineer and that the report to Council in the Spring include the section of pipe repair on a 1-year maintenance.


9.1 Removal of Part Lot Control – Kingsbridge Phase 5

Approved the application for Removal of Part Lot Control for Part of Lots 11 and 12, Concession 1, being Blocks 17, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26 through 32 inclusive, 34, 35, 36 and 37 on Plan 12M-669, known locally as
Kingsbridge Subdivision; Supported By-law 2021-003 being a by-law to remove certain lands from Part Lot Control.


11.2 Pending Playground Equipment Removal from Wigle and Briar Ridge Parks

Directed Administration to immediately begin public consultation on Briar Ridge and Jack Purdie parks for playground equipment to be funded from the Reserve Fund General.


12.1 Impending Closure of Ontario Fire College - Chris McConnell, President, OPSEU Local 137

Voted to support resolution.


13.1 Municipal Representation, Essex Region Source Protection Committee - Essex Region Conservation Authority

Endorsed the appointment of Kevin Webb as the City of Windsor's representative on the Essex Region Source Protection Committee.

13.2 2021 Census of Population - Statistics Canada

Voted to have the Town support the 2021 Census and encourage residents to fill it out; directed Administration to take out a 1/4 page advertisement in the RTT and promote the Census on social media


14.1 Drainage Board Meeting Minutes - February 2, 2021

Passed By-law 2021-009 being a by-law to provide for the Bridges Over the Owen Bondy Drain based on the Drainage Report by N.J. Peralta Engineering Ltd. BE PROVISIONALLY ADOPTED by giving first and
second reading and the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign same.


 16.1 Resolution # 20210208-037

Direction Administration to bring a report to Council addressing what the Town can do to further advance the issue of affordable housing and to assist in creating in affordable housing.

 16.2 Resolution # 20210208-038

Directed Administration to bring back a report to Council for the February 22, 2021, Regular Council Meeting, on possible land use options, plans and recommendations for Jack Purdie Park and the
north end of H. Smith Murray Park aka Centennial Park, based on zoning and legislative requirements; and Safe forums and dates be presented for public consultation and feedback on those options, plans or recommendations written within the report.

 16.5 Resolution # 20210208-039

Directed Administration to approach the Greater Essex County District School Board regarding the dirt piling up at the General Amherst High School construction site and to inquire as to what the intended use is
for the dirt.


18.1 By-law 2021-011 - Confirmatory By-law

Passed By-law 2021-011 being a by-law to Confirm all Resolutions of the Municipal Council Meeting held on February 8, 2021, be taken as having
been read three times and finally passed and the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign same.

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  • Donald McArthur
    published this page in Town Hall Blog 2021-03-12 23:09:39 -0600
