I supported pre-committing $23,725 to the 2020 budget to live stream council meetings and I also voted to add more generic information to the In-Camera titles on the public agendas.
I approved the tender to reconstruct Texas Road by the Fort Fun Centre -- the Town’s worst stretch of road, according to our Roads Needs Study and supported an amendment to the development agreement for Ure’s Country Kitchen. Bring on the mini-golf!
Here’s how I voted on July 15, 2019:
12.1 2018 Year End Reporting: Audited Consolidated Financial Statements, Building Services Annual Statement and Amended Development Charge Reserve Funds Statement
Approved the Audited Consolidated Financial Statements for the year ended December 31, 2018; received the Audit Findings Report of KPMG for the year ended December 31, 2018; authorized Administration to post the 2018 Consolidated Financial Statements on the Town’s website; received the Statement of Revenue and Expenses and Accumulated Net Expense for Building Services for the year ended December 31, 2018; and, received the Development Charges Reserve Funds Statement, as amended, for the year ended December 31, 2018.
12.2 External Audit Services – Terms of Engagement and Scope of Services 2019-2023 Year Ends
Approved the terms of engagement and scope of external audit services for the year ends 2019 through 2023; and, directed Administration to seek out a Request for Proposal (RFP) for pricing to provide optional services for review of the 2019
year-end Q4 cash financial results.
12.3 2018 Year-End (Q4) Budget to Actual Summaries and Transfers
Received a report regarding the 2018 Year End (Q4) Budget to Actual Summaries and Transfers; affirmed the creation of a “River Lights” Reserve Fund, an obligatory reserve fund based on contributions under donor agreements for future maintenance of light displays, and transfer $32,345 from net 2018 display maintenance contributions and all future contributions under donor agreements for this purpose; affirmed the creation of a CIP Reserve account and transfer $95,492 from the 2018 Capital surplus levied for CIP, to fund future incentives awarded under the Town’s Community Improvement Plan; transferred $336,054 from the Water budget centre surplus to the Water Capital Reserve; transferred the Wastewater budget centre deficit of $104,002 from the Wastewater Reserve; transferred the taxation funded surplus of $395,423 to the Reserve Fund – General; and, transferred $1,154,869 from the Reserve Fund – General to the Development Charge Reserve Fund –Roads Related.
14.1 Texas Road Reconstruction (Thomas Road to 3rd Concession) - Tender Results
Awarded the Texas Road Reconstruction Tender (Thomas Road to 3rd Concession) to Coco Paving Inc. in the amount of $687,158 plus H.S.T.
15.1 Dangerous Dog Appeal Committee
Authorized the recruitment of three (3) lay members for the Dangerous Dog Appeal Committee
15.2 Amending Development Agreement for 6000 County Road 20 - Ure’s Country Kitchen
Authorized the Amending Development Agreement for 6000 County Road 20 - Ure’s Country Kitchen, to allow for a minor modification to the reconfiguration of the washroom location.
16.1 Committee Resignation – Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee
Appointed Diane Pouget to the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee
16.2 Records Retention Program Policy and Amendments to the Records Retention Schedule
Approved the Records Retention Policy and amendments to the Record Retention Schedule.
17.5 Town Council Meetings – Webcasting Options
Pre-committed $23,725 to the 2020 budget for the webcasting of Town Council meetings.
18.3 Retail Cannabis Stores - City of Brantford Resolution
Supported the Large Urban Mayors Caucus of Ontario's (LUMCO) recommendation regarding additional local regulatory controls to be approved by the Province around retail cannabis stores.
19.1 Emancipation Day - August 1, 2019
Proclaimed August 1, 2019, as Emancipation Day in the Town as a demonstration of respect for human liberty and freedom and in recognition of the richness of the culture and history brought to Ontario by African Canadians.
21.1 Drainage Board Meeting Minutes - July 2, 2019
Provisionally adopted By-law 2019-067 being a by-law to provide for the new bridge on the Collison Drain for Laramie Farms.
23.1 Shoreline Speed Limit
Directed Administration to provide a report regarding pleasure crafts and enforcing a speed limit along the Detroit River, Amherstburg shoreline.
23.2 In Camera Meeting Notifications
Directed Administration to add generic information to the In-Camera titles on the agendas.
24.1 Road Allowance between Concessions 1 & 2 in River Canard
Stopped up and closed a portion of the unimproved Road Allowance between Concessions 1 & 2 located on the south side of Malden Road at the request of one of the abutting property owners; conveyed the closed parcels at a price of $4,161.00 and $4,199.00 respectively plus applicable taxes and fees to the abutting property owners subject to the purchaser providing an undertaking to
merge the purchased parcel with their parcel for their abutting property; allowed the other abutting owner to acquire both halves at the conveyance prices shown above in the event one of the abutting property owners does not wish to acquire their half
of the closed Road Allowance; and, authorized the Town to enact the necessary by-law to declare the portion of the Road Allowance officially closed, stopped up and available for conveyance.
24.2 5-year Lease for Multi-Purpose Room at Libro Centre
Approved the negotiation and finalization of a 5-year lease for the multipurpose room at the Libro Centre.
26.1 By-law 2019-052 - Bridges over the 6th Concession Drain for David Kryway, Part of Lot 9, Concession 5 - 3rd & Final Reading
Passed By-law 2019-052 being a by-law to provide for bridges over the 6th Concession Drain for David Kryway.
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