I was happy to support the community garden project at the hub on Richmond Street and the installation of more cycling infrastructure in Amherstburg. I also supported the issuing of an RFP for the Belle Vue property. Here's how I voted on June 14, 2021:
7.1 2021 Initiatives and 2021-2022 Official Visitor Guide - Gordon Orr, CEO, Lynnette Bain, Vice President, and Jason Toner, Director of Marketing and Communications, Tourism Windsor Essex Pelee Island (TWEPI)
That the presentation be received.
6.1 Solar Power Grant Funding, Green Inclusive Community Building Program - Daren Crawford, Otter Energy
1. The delegation BE RECEIVED;
2. The presentation BE SENT to the Environmental Advisory Committee;
3. Administration BE DIRECTED to review the feasibility of rooftop solar, with cost savings, and a report be brought back to Council for consideration.
6.2 Rainbow Crosswalk Proposal - Linden Crain, Amherstburg Resident
That the delegation be received.
6.3 Indigenous Peoples Flag Proposal - Linden Crain, Amherstburg Resident
1. The delegation BE RECEIVED; and,
2. Administration BE DIRECTED to convene a meeting with First Nations representatives, both on and off the Reserve, to seek input on flag to be raised in the Town of Amherstburg with the costs to BE INCLUDED in the 2022 Budget.
9.1 Paving for Fire Stations 2 and 3
1. An over-expenditure not to exceed $87,000 including net HST for an additional 2021 Capital Project in the Facilities budget centre to provide asphalt repaving at Fire Station 2, as shown in the attachment to the report from the Director, Community & Protective Services dated June 1, 2021, BE APPROVED and BE FUNDED by a transfer from Reserve Fund - General;
2. An over-expenditure in the Facilities budget centre Fire Station 3 BE APPROVED for:
• Option two: Facility Maintenance expense for concrete and asphalt pavement repairs in selective areas at a cost not to exceed $20,500 including net HST, to be funded from current taxation.
9.2 Amherstburg Destination River Cruises
That Administration BE AUTHORIZED to negotiate and execute an agreement for the 2021 season, between the Town of Amherstburg and Windsor Premier Cruises subject to programming review by the Manager of Tourism and Culture, technical review by the Director of Community and Protective Services and financial review by the Director of Corporate Services.
9.3 Approval for Grant Funding, Applications and Donations for Community Gardens and Active Transportation Initiatives
1. The following capital projects, related over-expenditures and funding sources BE APPROVED OR AFFIRMED as outlined in the report from the Director of Community and Protective Services dated June 8, 2021:
a. Eighteen(18) Planter Boxes (10 GREEN CIRCLE Accessible boxes and 8 wooden boxes) for Community Gardens at 320 Richmond at a cost not to exceed $22,000 including net HST, to be funded by a grant of $12,000 from Amherstburg Community Foundation and a Federal Enabling Accessibility Fund - Youth Innovation Grant of up to $10,000;
b. Bike Repair Stations (2) and Bike Racks with Concrete Pads (4) at a cost not to exceed $33,000 including net HST, to be funded by grants from the County of Essex (CWATS Municipal Partnership Program) of up to $16,500 and a Transfer from Reserve - New Capital of up to $16,500; and,
c. Outdoor Furniture and Fixtures (3 picnic tables, 5 picnic tables with benches, 10 planter stands and 50 bollards) at a cost not to exceed $20,000 including net HST, to be funded by a grant
from the Southwest Ontario Tourism Corporation - Tourism Adaptation Fund of up to $20,000.
10.1 Placement of Underground Infrastructure, Curbs and Base Asphalt on Maintenance - Kingsbridge Subdivision Phase 7C
1. The recommendations of the consulting engineer, Baird AE regarding the Placement of Underground Infrastructure, Curbs and Base Asphalt on Maintenance - Kingsbridge Subdivision Phase 7C BE ACCEPTED;
2. The underground infrastructure, base asphalt and curbs for Kingsbridge Subdivision Phase 7C BE PLACED on a 1-year maintenance period, commencing May 27, 2021.
10.2 Culvert Replacements Cone. 5 South over Albert McGee Drain (Culvert 8) and Cone. 3 North over Whelan Drain (Culvert 38) - Tender Results
1. An over-expenditure not to exceed $26,600 for replacement of Culvert 8 at a total project cost not to exceed $341,600 including net HST BE APPROVED and be funded by Ontario Community Infrastructure Fund - Formula Based funding as a transfer from Reserve Fund - Ontario Grants;
2. The Tender for 2021 Culvert Replacements at Cone. 5 South over Albert McGee Drain (Culvert 8) and Cone. 3 North over Whelan Drain (Culvert 38) BE AWARDED to South Shore Contracting of Essex County Inc. for an amount not to exceed $634,260.00 plus HST; and,
3. The Mayor and Clerk BE AUTHORIZED to execute an agreement with South Shore Contracting of Essex County Inc. for the 2021 Culvert Replacements Cone. 5 South over Albert McGee Drain & Cone. 3 North
over Whelan Drain.
11.1 Request for a Building Inspector/Plans Examiner Staff Position
Councillor Courtney amended the motion to approve $30,000 for contracted services
11.1 Request for a Building Inspector/Plans Examiner Staff Position
1. The addition of one regular full-time Building Inspector/Plans Examiner position BE APPROVED; and,
2. An over-expenditure not to exceed $66,500 including net HST, including $57,700 in operating costs and $8,800 in capital costs, for the cost to employ a Full Time Building Inspector/Plans Examiner BE APPROVED in the Building budget center for 2021, to be funded by building services fees.
12.1 2021 Appointment of Proxy Holder for Essex Power Corporation's Annual Shareholder Meeting
1. Mayor Aldo DiCarlo BE APPOINTED proxy holder for the Town of Amherstburg for Essex Power Corporation's Annual Shareholder Meeting;
2. Bill Wark BE APPOINTED as the alternate proxy holder for the Town of Amherstburg for Essex Power Corporation's Annual Shareholder Meeting; and,
3. The Clerk BE AUTHORIZED to sign all necessary proxy forms to implement this resolution and forward them to Essex Power Corporation as required.
12.2 Roadmap to Recovery - Next Steps
That Administration BE DIRECTED to re-open municipal facilities in accordance with Step 3 of the Province of Ontario's Roadmap to Recovery.
12.3 Temporary Relocation of Amherstburg Skateboard Park
That the Procurement Policy BE WAIVED for the Skateboard Park project.
12.3 Temporary Relocation of Amherstburg Skateboard Park
1. The Town's skateboard park be temporarily relocated to an interim location at 320 Richmond Street until a permanent location is approved; and,
2. A 2021 capital project and related over-expenditure for construction of an asphalt pad to temporarily house the skateboard park as an extension to the parking lot at the rear of the 320 Richmond facility,
referred to as Option 2 in the report, BE APPROVED at a total cost not to exceed $75,000 including net HST, to be funded by a transfer from Reserve - Capital New for capital costs and from current taxation for
operating costs.
Resolution # 20210614-202
That the following information reports BE RECEIVED:
13.1 Agent of Change Policies
13.2 Monthly Fire Department Activity Report- May 2021
Resolution # 202106140-203
That Administration BE DIRECTED to prepare a by-law regarding Agent of Change as soon as possible.
Resolution # 20210614-204
That the following consent correspondence BE RECEIVED:
14.1 Request for Discretionary Regional Reopening Strategy - County of Essex Resolution
14.2 8th Annual Charity Golf Tournament Fundraiser -Windsor Downtown Lions Club
14.3 Bill 228, Banning Unencapsulated Polystyrene Foam - Township of the Archipelago Resolution
14.4 Bill 279, Environmental Protection Amendment Act - Township of the Archipelago Resolution
14.5 Capital Gains Tax on Primary Residence - Town of Fort Erie Resolution
14.6 Domestic COVID-19 Vaccine Production and Capacity - Perth County Resolution
14.7 Request for Review of Cannabis Licensing and Enforcement - Township of West Lincoln Resolution
14.8 Request for the Elimination of LPAT -Town of Halton Hills Resolution
Resolution # 20210614-205
Item #14.8- That Administration BE DIRECTED to send correspondence in support of the Town of Halton Hills resolution regarding their request for the elimination of LPAT.
15.1 Drainage Board Meeting Minutes - June 1, 2021
1. The Drainage Board Meeting Minutes of June 1, 2021, BE RECEIVED;
2. The revised schedule of assessments as presented by R. Dobbin Engineering in the letter dated May 10, 2021 by Mike Gerrits, P.Eng for improvements for the Charles Shepley Drain BE APPROVED, as
recommended by the Drainage Board;
3. The request from Allan Blain for the installation of a new access culvert over the Faucher Drain per Section 78 of the Drainage Act BE ACCEPTED, as recommended by the Drainage Board;
4. The appointment of the firm of N.J. Peralta Engineering Ltd. for the repair and improvement to the Faucher Drain BE APPROVED, as recommended by the Drainage Board;
5. The request from Allan Blain to complete a report for the Subsequent Connection of a parcel into the Faucher Drain per Section 65 of the Drainage Act BE ACCEPTED, as recommended by the Drainage Board;
6. The appointment of the firm of N.J. Peralta Engineering Ltd. for the repair and improvement to the Faucher Drain (Lower Portion) BE APPROVED, as recommended by the Drainage Board;
7. The request from Mike McMahon (MGV Developments (McGregor) Inc.) per Section 78 of the Drainage Act BE ACCEPTED, as recommended by the Drainage Board;
8. The appointment of the firm of Dillon Consulting Ltd. to complete the necessary report for the repair and improvement to the Dufour Drain and Branches BE APPROVED, as recommended by the Drainage Board;
9. The appointment of the firm of Dillon Consulting Ltd. to complete a New Maintenance Schedule of Assessment for the Dufour Drain and Branches BE APPROVED, as recommended by the Drainage Board.
19.1 By-law 2021-040 - Confirmatory By-law
That By-law 2021-040 being a by-law to Confirm al I Resolutions of the Municipal Council Meetings held on June 14, 2021, be taken as having been read three times and finally passed and the Mayor and Clerk BE
AUTHORIZED to sign same.
Resolution # 20210614-209
That the CAO BE DIRECTED to issue an RFP for the Belle Vue property as presented in the In-Camera presentation.