I was happy to support the leveraging of federal and provincial funding to construct a new reservoir at Amherstburg's Water Treatment plant. Here's how I voted on June 27, 2022:
7.1 Report to Amherstburg Town Council - January 2020 - December 2021 - Bruce Elman, Amherstburg Integrity Commissioner
1. The presentation BE RECEIVED; and,
2. The Code of Conduct - Council, Committees and Local Boards BE AMENDED in accordance with the Administrative report of June 15, 2022.
14.2 2021 Annual Report - Windsor Police Service
That the 2021 Annual Report - Windsor Police Service, BE RECEIVED.
8.1 Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program (ICIP) Green Stream -Transfer Payment Agreement
1. Administration BE AUTHORIZED to enter into a Transfer Payment Agreement with the Ministry of Infrastructure- Green Stream (ICIP) for total funding of up to $3,662,833.50 toward replacement of the Reservoir at Amherstburg Water Treatment Plant;
2. A capital expenditure not to exceed $9,600,000 including net HST BE APPROVED as a first charge to the 2022 Water Budget estimated
$1,032,500 for engineering, and the remaining from 2023-2026 capital budget for construction of the replacement of the Reservoir based on the 2022 Capital Budget estimations. To be funded from the ICIP grant and long-term debenture as required; and,
3. Administration BE AUTHORIZED to sign long-term (up to 30yr) debenture not to exceed $5,937,166 to fund the construction and replacement of the Reservoir at Amherstburg Water Treatment Plant.
8.2 Municipal Modernization Grant Intake III
1. Administration BE AUTHORIZED to enter into a Transfer Payment Agreement with the Ministry of Municipal Affairs & Housing for total funding of up to $127,200 toward Town of Amherstburg Staff Utilization and Organizational Review;
2. Administration BE AUTHORIZED to incur additional professional fees to maximize the additional grant dollars; and,
3. Administration BE AUTHORIZED to enter into contracts based on appropriate signing authority as per purchasing policy to maximize grant dollars within the Municipal Modernization Grant guidelines.
9.1 Amherstburg's Gone Car Crazy Show
1. The report from the Director of Parks Facilities, Recreation and Culture and the Manager of Tourism and Culture dated June 14, 2022 regarding Amherstburg's Gone Car Crazy Show (AGCC) BE RECEIVED;
2. Council APPROVE closing the Open Air program and footprint for one day only Sunday, July 24, 2022 from 6:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. in order to accommodate the AGCC's show, proposed footprint and car placement on the streets of downtown Amherstburg; and,
3. Council APPROVE closing the Open Air program and footprint for one day only Sunday, July 24, 2022 from 6:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. in order to accommodate the AGCC's show, proposed footprint and car placement on the streets of downtown Amherstburg.
10.1 3rd Concession North Watermain - Funding Model and Agreement
1. The CAO BE AUTHORIZED to sign the reimbursement agreement with 1473490 Ontario Limited for associated costs related to the upgrade of the watermain on the 3rd Concession North; and,
2. The Treasurer BE DIRECTED to fund $40,000, being the Town's portion of the upgrade, from the water reserve.or the necessary services to execute the scope of work for the Playground replacement project at Jack Purdie and Briar Ridge parks.
11.1 Heritage Designation of 24 Sandwich Street South
1. Council DESIGNATE the "Dr. Manning Residence" at 24 Sandwich Street South by municipal by-law under Part IV the Ontario Heritage Act; and,
2. At the request of the owner, the requirement outlined in the by-law regarding the windows and flooring BE STRICKEN from the by-law.
11.2 Provincial Legislative Changes Impacting Planning and Building
1. By-law 2022- 073 being a by-law to Designate a Site Plan Control Area for the Town of Amherstburg be taken as having been read three times and finally passed and the Mayor and Clerk BE AUTHORIZED to sign same;
2. The Town's practice of offering 18-month non-interest-bearing Development Charges Deferral Agreements under Section 27 of the Act BE RESCINDED;
3. The Town's prescribed maximum interest rate BE DEFINED as prime plus 3% and included in the User Fee and Charges By-law 2022-001; and,
4. The Town's prescribed maximum interest rate BE DEFINED as prime plus 3% and included in the User Fee and Charges By-law 2022-001.
11.3 Repeal and Replace Zoning By-law Amendment- 247 Brock Street
1. By-law 2022-057 being a by-law to Amend Zoning By-law No. 1999-52, BE REPEALED;
2. By-law 2022-074 being a by-law to Amend the Zoning for the Lands shown as "Lot A" on Appendix "A" be taken as having been read three times and finally passed and the Mayor and Clerk BE AUTHORIZED to sign same; and,
3. By-law 2022-075 being a by-law to Amend the Zoning for the Lands shown as "Lot B" on Appendix "A" be taken as having been read three times and finally passed and the Mayor and Clerk BE AUTHORIZED to sign same.
Opposed (Motion carried): 11.4 Site Plan and Development Agreement for 106 Gore Street
1. The site plan and development agreement for 106 Gore Street BE APPROVED; and,
2. By-law 2022-048 being a by-law to authorize the signing of a Development Agreement for the development of a semi-detached dwelling within Part of Lot 24, Plan 1, municipally known as 106 Gore Street, Amherstburg be taken as having been read three times and finally passed and the Mayor and Clerk BE AUTHORIZED to sign same.
12.1 2022 Appointment of Proxy Holder for Essex Power Corporation's Annual Shareholder's Meeting
1. Mayor Aldo DiCarlo BE APPOINTED proxy holder for the Town of Amherstburg for Essex Power Corporation's Annual Shareholder's Meeting;
2. Bill Wark BE APPOINTED as the alternate proxy holder for the Town of Amherstburg for Essex Power Corporation's Annual Shareholder's Meeting; and,
3. The Clerk BE AUTHORIZED to sign all necessary proxy forms to implement this resolution and forward them to Essex Power Corporation as required.
Resolution# 20220627-16
- Value Influence Peers Program (VIP) - Town of Essex Resolution
- 2021 Annual Report - Windsor Police Service - as dealt with above after item # 7.1
- The Retention of Professional Engineers at Ontario Municipalities
- Request for Ontario Government to Repeal Bill 124 - Ontario Nurses' Association
Resolution # 20220627-17
15.1 Heritage Committee Meeting Minutes - June 16, 2022
2. The application for demolition of 295 George Street BE APPROVED; and,
3. 295 George Street BE REMOVED from the Heritage Register as a listed property of cultural heritage value or interest.
19.1 - 19.2
That By-law 2022-066 being a by-law to Amend Zoning By-law 1999-52 for E-S Concession 7 be taken as having been read three times and finally passed and the Mayor and Clerk BE AUTHORIZED to sign same.
That By-law 2022-078 being a by-law to Confirm all Resolutions of the
Municipal Council Meetings held on June 8th and 27th, 2022 be taken as having been read three times and finally passed and the Mayor and Clerk BE AUTHORIZED to sign same.