I was happy to support funding for the Park House Museum, a vital community pillar that educates and inspires, and I was happy to adopt the Inclusive Community Program final report. Here's how I voted on March 28, 2022:
7.1 247 Brock Street, Repeal and Replace Heritage Designation By-law - Vince Rosati and Tony Rosati, Rosati Group, and Jackie Lassaline, Lassaline Planning Consultants and 11.1 St. Anthony School – Repeal and Replace the Designation By-law
That:1.Council APPROVE By-Law 2022-037 (Attachment 1), a by-law which repeals the original heritage designation, By-law 2021-079 (Attachment 2); and,
2.Council DESIGNATE the “St. Anthony School” at 247 Brock Street by bylaw under Part IV the Ontario Heritage Act (Attachment 3).
10.1 Funding for Improving Monitoring and Public Reporting of Sewage Overflows and Bypasses
That the Improving Monitoring and Public Reporting of Sewage Overflows and Bypasses Program contribution agreement between the Town of Amherstburg and the Government of Ontario Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks (MECP) BE APPROVED.
11.2 Extension of Part Lot Control Exemption for Part of Meadow View Estates Subdivision
That By-law 2022-040 being a by-law to amend By-laws 2018-20 and 2021-014 to extend the expiration date for Part Lot Control exemption, related to Meadow View Estates Subdivision, be taken as having been read three times and finally passed and the Mayor and Clerk BE AUTHORIZED to sign same.
12.1 Committee Vacancies and Result of Call for Applications
That: 1.A Call for Applications BE ADVERTISED for under strength committees as noted in the report of March 3, 2022 entitled Committee Vacancies and Result of Call for Applications;
2.Mitchell Dender BE APPOINTED to the Amherstburg Environmental Advisory Committee;
3.The Mayor’s Youth Advisory Committee composition BE REDUCED by three lay members; and,
4.The Seniors Advisory Committee composition BE REDUCED by one lay member.
12.2 Integrity Commissioner Services
That: 1.The Chief Administrative Offer and Director of Legislative Services & Clerk BE AUTHORIZED to execute a contract with Bruce Elman on the terms and conditions set out in the proposal attached as Appendix “A” to the said report, provided that such contract is approved as to form and technical content by the Director of Legislative Services & Clerk and as to financial content by the Director of Corporate Services/Treasurer; and,
2.Bruce Elman BE APPOINTED as the Integrity Commissioner for the Town of Amherstburg for a term commencing January 1, 2020 and ending on December 31, 2024 in accordance with the proposal attached as Appendix “A” to the report of the Director of Legislative Services/Clerk dated March 18, 2022 and considered by Council on March 28, 2022;
12.4 Park House Museum – Request for Municipal Grant
That:1.Council APPROVE the request of the Amherstburg Historic Sites Association for a grant for the 2022 budget year in the amount of $8,500 to be paid from Account #10-5-1001020-0353 – Grants to Other Organizations, to be applied to the ongoing operation of the Park House Museum; and,
2.An additional $6,500 BE APPROVED for a total of a $15,000.
12.5 Inclusive Community Program (ICP) Final Report
That the Inclusive Community Program (ICP) Needs Assessment and Action Plan BE ADOPTED by the Town of Amherstburg with funding considerations of specific action items to be considered during budget deliberations for 2023-2028.
12.6 Use of Face Coverings or Masks within Enclosed Public Places By-law 2020-046
2.Council REPEAL the Use of Face Coverings or Masks within Enclosed Public Places By-law 2020-046.
Resolution # 20220328-11
That the following consent correspondence BE RECEIVED:13.1 Indigenous Notice of Motion - Linda Saxon
13.2 Regional Government Review Service Delivery Task Force, Fire Service - Town of Wasaga Beach Resolution
13.3 Support for Ukraine, Letter to Prime Minister - Town of Mono Resolution
13.4 Setbacks for Ontario Wind Turbines - Wind Concerns Ontario
Resolution # 20220328-12
Item # 13.1 – That the correspondence from Linda Saxon BE INCLUDED at the future Regular Council Meeting where Councillor Simone’s Notice of Motion regarding General Jeffery Amherst’s statements and actions.
14.1 World Autism Day - April 2, 2022
That:1.The correspondence regarding April 2, 2022, World Autism Day BE RECEIVED; and,
2.April 2, 2022 BE PROCLAIMED as World Autism Day in the Town of Amherstburg.
14.2 Day of Action Against Anti-Asian Racism - May 10, 2022
That:1.The correspondence regarding May 10, 2002, Day of Action Against Anti-Asian Racism BE RECEIVED; and,
2.May 10, 2022 BE PROCLAIMED as Day of Action Against Anti-Asian Racism in the Town of Amherstburg.
Resolution # 20220328-15
16.1 Economic Development Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes - February 3, 2022
That:1.The Economic Development Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes of February 3, 2022 BE RECEIVED;
2.Council SUPPORT and ENCOURAGE the Town, local businesses and non-profits to apply for funding through the "Charge Up Windsor-Essex County" program of Essex Powerlines to boost Electric Vehicle (EV) infrastructure as a vehicle for further economic development and investment; and,
3.Administration EXPLORE Electric Vehicle (EV) infrastructure as a requirement of multi-residential development.
20.2 - 20.3
That By-law 2022-042 being a by-law to Amend By-law 2022-008, A by-law to Regulate the Keeping of Animals and the Care and Control of Animals be taken as having been read three times and finally passed and the Mayor and Clerk BE AUTHROZED to sign same.20.
That By-law 2022-043 being a by-law to Appoint a Treasurer and Deputy Treasurer be taken as having been read three times and finally passed and the Mayor and Clerk BE AUTHROZED to sign same.
That By-law 2022-041 being a by-law to Confirm all Resolutions of the Municipal Council Meetings held on March 28, 2022, be taken as having been read three times and finally passed and the Mayor and Clerk BE AUTHORIZED to sign same.