Voting Record -- May 9, 2022

I was happy to support a public art project in collaboration with Art Windsor Essex and to support seeking funding for the installation of EV chargers in Amherstburg. Here's how I voted on May 9, 2022. 


6.1 Request for Approval of Public Art in Downtown Amherstburg - Richard Peddie and Jennifer Matotek

That: 1. The delegation BE RECEIVED; and,
2. Administration BE DIRECTED to work with AWE in order to finalize the locations for the art installations and to have the project installed as soon as possible.


7.1 2022-2023 Official Visitors Guide - Gordon Orr, CEO, Lynnette Bain, Vice President of Destination Development, and Jason Toner, Director of Marketing and Communications, TWEPI

That the presentation BE RECEIVED.


8.1 Windsor River Cruises 2022 Agreement

That the CAO BE AUTHORIZED to negotiate and execute an agreement for the 2022 season, and for future cruise operating seasons, between the Town of Amherstburg and Windsor Premier Cruises and/or other cruise operators docking at Kings Navy Yard Park south location provided that the agreements are satisfactory in technical content and form to the Directors of Parks Facilities, Recreation and Culture, Corporate Services, and Legislative Services/Town Clerk.

8.2 LeBlanc Pro Shop Lease Extension

That the CAO BE AUTHORIZED to finalize a two-year extension of the current lease agreement between Marc LeBlanc Owner and Operator of The Skate Shop and the Town for the use of space at the Libro Recreation Centre for the purpose of skate sharpening operations; and that the lease agreement be to the satisfaction of the Town Solicitor, Clerk and Director of Parks Facilities, Recreation and Culture.


10.1 McLeod Avenue Reconstruction – 3rd Concession South to Lakewood Drive - Tender Results

That: 1. The tender for the McLeod Avenue Reconstruction BE AWARDED to J&J Lepera Infrastructures for an amount not to exceed $1,175,000.00
plus HST; and,
2. The Mayor and Clerk BE AUTHORIZED to execute an agreement with  J&J Lepera Infrastructures for the McLeod Avenue Reconstruction.

10.2 South Riverview Drive Reconstruction – Beneteau Drive to 2nd Concession North - Tender Results

That: 1. The tender for the South Riverview Drive Reconstruction BE AWARDED to Rudak Excavating Inc. for an amount not to exceed $773,600.00 plus
HST; and,
2. The Mayor and Clerk BE AUTHORIZED to execute an agreement with Rudak Excavating Inc. for the South Riverview Drive Reconstruction.


11.1 106 Gore Street – Demolition Request and Removal from Heritage Register

That Council APPROVE the demolition request, and removal from the Heritage Register of 106 Gore Street.

11.2 Electric Vehicle Charging Station – Charge UP Windsor Essex Grant

That: 1. The Chief Administrative Officer and Director of Development Services BE AUTHORIZED to apply to the Charge UP Windsor-Essex County grant, for the installation of up to four Level 2 dual port Electric Vehicle Charging stations (EV), subject to the documents being satisfactory in legal form to the Clerk, in technical content to the Director of Infrastructure Services and in financial content to the Chief Financial Officer;

2. Council DIRECT Administration to seek opportunities for in-kind and or sponsorship opportunities for the project;
i. Council DIRECT Administration to ensure the Town’s total cost for capital and 1 year of operational costs does not exceed $120,000, plus any sponsorship funding;
ii. Council APPROVE the an amendment, noted in italics, to Resolution 20220425-07
a. That $120,000 BE DEDICATED and BE FUNDED from either reserves or as a pre-commitment to the 2023 Capital Budget, whichever is deemed best by Administration after performing its due diligence following the delivery of the 2021 year-end audit, to allow the Town to apply for the available Federal grant which will offset the cost of the charging stations
iii. Council APPROVE the following recommendations upon written confirmation of the Town being awarded the grant funding:
a. That the Chief Administrative Officer and Clerk BE AUTHORIZED to sign and execute any agreements, declarations or approvals required resulting from receiving funding under the Charging UP Windsor-Essex County grant, satisfactory in financial content to the Chief Financial Officer, and in technical content to the Director of Infrastructure Services and;
b. That Council DELEGATE authority to the Chief Administrative Officer to approve the final EV project scope and deliverables to maximize use of the grant and the Town’s $120,000, plus any sponsorship funding and;
c. That the Chief Administrative Officer and the Clerk BE AUTHORIZED to take any such action required to effect the recommendations noted above and sign any required documentation/agreement(s) for the implementation of the EV Charging Stations, satisfactory in legal form to the Clerk, in technical content to Director of Infrastructure Services and in financial content to the Chief Financial Officer; and further
d. That Council DELEGATE authority to the Chief Administrative Officer and Clerk to negotiate, sign and execute any agreements, declarations or approvals required resulting from receiving any in-kind and/or sponsorship funding for the implementation and or operational costs for the EV charging stations, satisfactory in financial content to the Chief Financial Officer, and in technical content to the Director of Development Services and;
e. That Council DELEGATE authority to the Chief Administrative Officer to award and issue purchase orders and or sign and execute any agreements as may be required for the necessary
services to execute the scope of work for the EV project and;
f. That Council APPROVE a charging cost of $2.00/hour for Level 2 and $.50/minute for Level 3 charging stations, to be revisited after the first 12 months of activation, and that those funds be
directed to an EV reserve fund.


12.1 2022 Tanker Firefighting Apparatus Tender Results

That: 1. The report from the Fire Chief dated April 29, 2022 regarding the 2022 Tanker Firefighting Apparatus Tender Results BE RECEIVED;
2. The purchase of 1 Tanker/Pumper firefighting apparatus BE AWARDED to Fort Garry Fire Trucks Ltd., BE at a total maximum cost of $570,651.00 CAD plus HST, to be funded from 2022 Capital Budget and the prior year contributions to the Working Capital Reserve for Fire Major Equipment, and the Treasurer BE AUTHORIZED to execute the purchase;
3. The Treasurer BE AUTHORIZED to proceed with the Sale of Engine 1B (1995 Spartan) and use the proceeds to fund the deficit of $10,651.00 and place the remaining proceeds into the Working Capital Reserve for Fire Major Equipment; and,
4. The Mayor and Clerk BE AUTHORIZED to enter into an agreement with Fort Garry Fire trucks Ltd. 53 Bergen Cutoff Road, Winnipeg, Manitoba R3C 2E6 and execute all necessary documents for the purchase of 1Tanker Firefighting Apparatus.


Resolution # 20220509-11

That the following consent correspondence BE RECEIVED:

14.1 Bill 109 - More Homes Act for Everyone - Township of Cramahe Resolution

14.2 Build it Right the First Time - Town of Halton Hills Resolution


15.1 International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia - May 17, 2022

The correspondence regarding International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia BE RECEIVED;
2. May 17, 2022 BE PROCLAIMED as International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia and,
3. The pride flag BE PURCHASED, in the amount of $15.00, to be raised on May 17, 2022.


Resolution # 20220509-14

That the following minutes BE RECEIVED:
16.1 Amherstburg Environmental Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes - April 13, 2022
16.2 Co-An Park Committee Meeting Minutes - April 13, 2022
16.3 Heritage Committee Meeting Minutes - April 14, 2022


17.1 Drainage Board Meeting Minutes - May 3, 2022

That: 1. The Drainage Board Meeting Minutes of May 3, 2022, BE RECEIVED;
2. The engineer’s report for the Bridges Over the 7th Concession Drain North BE CONSIDERED;
3. By-law 2022-052 being a by-law to provide for the Bridges Over the 7th Concession Drain North based on the Drainage Report by RC Spencer Associates Inc. BE PROVISIONALLY ADOPTED by giving first and second reading and the Mayor and Clerk BE AUTHORIZED to sign same;
4. The request from Brad and Lindy Paquette for the replacement of an existing access bridge over the Ong Drain per 78 of the Drainage Act BE ACCEPTED, as recommended by the Drainage Board, and;
5. The firm of Rood Engineering Inc. BE APPOINTED to complete the necessary report for the repair and improvement to the Ong Drain, as recommended by the Drainage Board.


 21.1 - 21.2

That By-law 2022-022 being a by-law to Amend Zoning By-law 1999-52 for 225 & 255 Sandwich Street North be taken as having been read three times and finally passed and the Mayor and Clerk BE AUTHORIZED to sign same.

That By-law 2022-053 being a by-law to Confirm all Resolutions of the Municipal Council Meeting held on May 9, 2022 be taken as having been read three times and finally passed and the Mayor and Clerk BE AUTHORIZED to sign same.

