Voting Record -- Oct. 13, 2020

I was happy to approve the Reverse Santa Parade and River Lights. I was also happy to support a speed limit reduction on Simcoe Street and direct Administration to come back with a report on lowering the speed limit to 40 km on residential streets. Here's how I voted on Oct. 13, 2020:


 4.1 Road Closure Request for Flu Clinic - Pauline Gemmell, Essex County Nurse Practitioner Led Clinic

That: 1. The delegation BE RECEIVED;
2. The Libro Centre BE USED for a period of one day on November 12, 2020 in order to safety administer influenza vaccines to the residents of Amherstburg; and,
3. The request for support from Town Administration to help with the planning, set up and take down, use of equipment and social media promotion of this event BE APPROVED

 4.2 Reverse Santa Claus Parade - Jeremy Pillon, Windsor Parade Corporation

That: 1. The delegation BE RECEIVED; and, 2. A reverse Santa Claus parade BE APPROVED as a drive-thru event at
the Libro Centre subject to the approval of the Medical Officer of Health.

 4.3 and 4.4 Crossing Guard Program - Tiffany Cote and Yvette Erickson

That: 1. The delegations in Items # 4.3 and # 4.4 BE RECEIVED;
2. Administration BE DIRECTED to correspond with all school boards to ascertain the current number of additional walking students;
3. Administration BE DIRECTED to bring back a report on reducing the street speed limit to 40km in the downtown core and on residential streets; and,
4. The speed limit on Simcoe Street from Pacific Avenue to Victoria Street BE REDUCED from 50km to 40km.

 4.5 Speeding Concerns on Pickering Dr. and Cherrylawn Cres. - Katherine Meloche

That: 1. The delegation BE RECEIVED;
2. The information report regarding Pickering Drive and Cherrylawn Crescent Speed Limit Review BE RECEIVED; and,
3. The purchase of 6 speed limit signs BE DEFERRED until the report regarding the feasibility of lowering speed limits in the downtown core and residential streets is before Council for consideration.


 6.1 Respond Restart Recover COVID 19- 2020 Season Finale

That:1. The Open Air Program BE DISCONTINUED after Sunday November 1st, 2020, with a report to be brought back at the 2021 Budget for implementation again next year;
2. The continuation of River Lights BE APPROVED which will allow residents and visitors to view the River Lights displays in a large geographical area, with no set schedule for viewing during a two month period as a self-guided, driving or walking tour, during the declared COVID-19 emergency;
3. The continuation of Light up the Town BE APPROVED as it unscheduled, outdoor, continuous and accessibly inclusive to all ages, abilities and manners of viewing, during the declared COVID-19 emergency; and,
4. The implementation of the Holiday Stroll BE APPROVED as it is unscheduled, outdoors, continuous and accessibly inclusive to all ages, abilities and manners of viewing, during the declared COVID-19 emergency.


 9.1 Cooperative Purchase - Self Contained Breathing Apparatus 

That: 1. Administration BE AUTHORIZED to place an order no later than December 2020 for MSA G-1 Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA) equipment from AJ Stone at a cost not to exceed $614,926 plus applicable taxes, as outlined in the report from the Fire Chief dated September 22, 2020; and,
2. A capital pre-commitment to the 2021 Budget not to exceed $625,749 including net HST BE APPROVED for purchase of the equipment under item 1 to be funded $11,703 from taxation for new thermal imaging equipment and $614,046 from Reserve Fund - General for lifecycle replacement of SCBA equipment.


10.1, 10.2, 10.3, 10.5

That the following information reports BE RECEIVED:
10.1 Cheque Listing for the Months of August and September 2020
10.2 Augmented Reality Olde Amherstburg Walking Tour
10.3 Monthly Fire Department Activity Report- July, August, September 2020
10.5 Unfinished Business List Update #20200224-079 - Ferry Transportation


 11.1. 11.2 and 11.3

That the following consent correspondence BE RECEIVED:
11.1 Request for Tougher Laws and Increased Fines for Car Rallies - Town of Wasaga Beach Resolution
11.2 Safe Restart Agreement Funding - Township of North Glengarry Resolution
11.3 Cannabis Production -Township of Asphodel-Norwood Resolution


12.1 Shine the Light Campaign for Woman Abuse Prevention Month in November - Hiatus House

That: 1. The correspondence dated October 6, 2020, from the Hiatus House regarding the Shine the Light Campaign BE RECEIVED; and, 2. Purple lights BE DISPLAYED on Town Hall in the month of November 2020 to raise awareness on the issue of abuse towards women.

12.2 National Disability Employment Awareness Month - October 2020 - Community Living Essex County

That: 1. The correspondence dated October 8, 2020, from Community Living Essex County BE RECEIVED;
2. The request to 'Light it Up' at Town Hall on October 22, 2020, BE APPROVED; and,
3. October 2020 BE PROCLAMED as Disability Employment Awareness Month in the Town of Amherstburg.


 13.1 Resolution# 20201013-325

That Administration BE DIRECTED to waive the portable signage fees for the remainder of the year for businesses within the community who request it and should the pandemic go into 2021, the waiving of fees for portable signs should be considered again.


Thumbs down graphic14.1 Additional Audit Staff to assist Finance Division 

That Administration BE DIRECTED to hire additional audit staff to assist the Finance Division, as recommended by the Audit and Finance Advisory Committee. The motion failed. 


16.1 By-law 2020-049 - Appoint Members to the Committee of Adjustment

That By-law 2020-049 being a by-law to Appoint Members to the Committee of Adjustment be taken as having been read three times and finally passed and the Mayor and Clerk BE AUTHORIZED to sign same.

16.2 By-law 2020-058 - Confirmatory By-law

That By-law 2020-058 being a by-law to Confirm all Resolutions of the Municipal Council Meeting held on October 13th, 2020, be taken as having been read three times and finally passed and the Mayor and Clerk BE AUTHORIZED to sign same.
