Voting Record -- Oct. 26, 2020

I voted in favour of approving the site plan for the new High School and voted, unsuccessfully, in favour of crossing guards at the intersection of Victoria and Simcoe Streets and Fryer and Simcoe Streets. Here's how I voted on on Oct. 26, 2020:


 4.1 CIBC Run for the Cure - Drive In Movie Fundraising Event - Jennifer Stokes and 4.2 Royal Canadian Legion Branch 157 - Remembrance Day Parade, Laurie
Cavanaugh and 8.3 2020 Special Events Approval - Part II

That: 1. The delegates in items # 4.1 and # 4.2 BE RECEIVED; 2. The following events BE APPROVED:
i. Royal Canadian Legion Br. 157, Remembrance Day Ceremony November 11, 2020; and, ii. CIBC Run for a Cure, Drive in Movie Night Fundraiser- November 7, 2020;
3. The rolling road closure on Dalhousie Street for the Remembrance Day Ceremony BE DENIED;
4. The Public Events Committee BE DIRECTED to confirm that the requirements identified by the Committee are met prior to the event;
5. The fees BE WAIVED to a maximum of $1000 for the CIBC Run for a Cure event; and,
6. The fees BE WAIVED for the Royal Canadian Legion Branch 157, Remembrance Day Ceremony.


8.1 Removal of Holding Zone for Kingsbridge Subdivision Phase 7

That By-law 2020-056 being a by-law to Amend Zoning By-law 1999-52 to Remove a Holding Zone for Kingsbridge Subdivision Phase 7 be taken as having been read three times and finally passed and the Mayor and Clerk BE AUTHORIZED to sign same.

8.2 Site Plan and Development Agreement - 330 Simcoe Street, General Amherst High School

That: 1. The Site Plan and Development Agreement with Greater Essex County District School Board for 330 Simcoe Street BE APPROVED subject to being satisfactory in technical content to the Director of Engineering and Public Works, financial content to the Director of Corporate Services and in form and legal content to the Town's legal counsel; and,
2. By-law 2020-055 being a by-law to Authorize the Signing of the Development Agreement be taken as having been read three times and finally passed and the Mayor and Clerk BE AUTHORIZED to sign the


 9.1 Declaration of Surplus Properties for Disposition

That: 1. In keeping with the Disposal of Surplus Real Property Policy, Section 6.15 the following properties BE DECLARED SURPLUS to the needs of
the Town:
a. Vacant 100' by 175' viable residential building lot, located on the east side of Dot Street, described legally as Part of Lot 12, Concession 1, and more particularly as Parts 1 & 2 on Plan 12- R 5818, Part of PIN 01546-0460; and,
b. Vacant 80' by 139' viable residential building lot, located on the west side of Townline Road (Essex Road 41 ), described legally Lots 13 & 14, registered Plan 1292, Amherstburg, PIN 75191-0080 & 75191-0081;
2. The properties listed above BE DISPOSED OF in keeping with Sections 6.4.1, 6.5, 6.6, 6.7, 6.8.1, 6.8.2, 6.12 and 6.14 of the Disposal of Real Property Policy; and,
3. The Chief Administrative Officer BE AUTHORIZED to sign the required MLS listing agreement for properties 1 & 2 shown above.

 9.2 Amendment to the Code of Conduct - Council, Committees and Local Boards

That the amendments to the Code of Conduct - Council, Committees and Local Boards Policy, BE REFERRED to the Clerk to complete for the next Regular Council Meeting.


10.1 - 10.4

That the following information reports BE RECEIVED:
10.1 Amherstburg Environmental Advisory Committee - Member Resignation
10.2 Review of Pedestrian Crossing Concerns for Signalized Intersections
10.3 Student Transportation Services - Community Impacts 2020
10.4 Considerations for Budget and Financial Report Disclosures

 10.1 Amherstburg Environmental Advisory Committee - Member Resignation

That Hartt Goldman BE APPOINTED to the Amherstburg Environmental Advisory Committee.

10.3 Student Transportation Services - Community Impacts 2020

That Administration BE DIRECTED to send the information report regarding Student Transportation Services - Community Impacts 2020, to all school boards and to the individuals who have delegated with
respect to the Crossing Guard Program.

10.3 Student Transportation Services - Community Impacts 2020

Voted in favour of adding a crossing guard to the corner of Simcoe Street and Fryer Street and the corner of Simcoe Street and Victoria Street but the motion failed.

 10.4 Considerations for Budget and Financial Report Disclosures

That recommendations as set out in the information report regarding Considerations for Budget and Financial Report Disclosures BE ADOPTED.


11.1, 11.2, 11.3

That the following consent correspondence BE RECEIVED:
11.1 3rd Quarter Statistics - Windsor Police Service, Amherstburg Detachment
11.2 Development Approval Requirements for Landfills, Bill 197 - City of St. Catherines Resolution
11.3 Request to Review the Municipal Elections Act - Township of Wollaston Resolution


 12.1 Economic Development Advisory Committee Minutes - September 3, 2020 and 12.2 Economic Development Advisory Committee Minutes - October 1, 2020 

That the following minutes BE RECEIVED:
12.1 Economic Development Advisory Committee Minutes - September 3, 2020
12.2 Economic Development Advisory Committee Minutes - October 1, 2020


13.1 Drainage Board Meeting Minutes - October 14, 2020

That:1. The Drainage Board Meeting Minutes of October 14, 2020 BE RECEIVED;
2. The request from 1454410 Ontario Inc. (Cecelia Acres c/o Charles Stockwell) for the installation of new access culverts over the Owen Bondy Drain per Section 78 of the Drainage Act BE ACCEPTED, as
recommended by the Drainage Board;
3. The request from 1454410 Ontario Inc. (Cecelia Acres c/o Charles Stockwell) for the Subsequent Connections of 265 and 349 Concession Road 3 North into the Owen Bondy Drain and the Whalen Drain per Section 65(3) of the Drainage Act BE ACCEPTED, as recommended by the Drainage Board; and,
4. The appointment of the firm of N.J. Peralta Engineering Ltd. to complete the necessary reports for the repair and improvement to the Owen Bondy Drain and the Subsequent Connections into the Owen
Bondy Drain and Whalen Drain BE APPROVED, as recommended by the Drainage Board.


15.2 Resolution # 20201026-344

That the Rules of Order BE WAIVED to allow consideration of action, without notice to public, regarding opening spectator seating at the Libro Centre and also to work with Essex Power.

15.3 Resolution # 20201026-345

That Administration BE DIRECTED to bring a report back to the next Regular Council Meeting outlining all associated costs with respect to opening a portion of the seating area on Rink A at the Libro Centre for
spectator viewing

15.4 Resolution # 20201026-346 

That Administration BE DIRECTED to work with Essex Power to provide information to property owners regarding options for payments on account by other parties, such as tenants.

15.7 Resolution# 20201026-347 

That Administration BE DIRECTED to bring an information report back regarding ear tipping and the Spay and Neuter Voucher Program for feral cats.


17.1 By-law 2020-063 - Confirmatory By-law

That By-law 2020-063 being a by-law to Confirm all Resolutions of the Municipal Council Meeting held on October 26th, 2020, be taken as having been read three times and finally passed and the Mayor and Clerk BE AUTHORIZED to sign same.
