Voting Record -- October 12, 2021

I was happy to move forward with the transformational Big Creek Trail project at the Libro Centre and to engage an executive search firm to help find the Town's next Chief Administrative Officer. Here's how I voted on October 12, 2021:


5.1 Open Air White Paper - THRIVE Group

That the delegation be received.

5.2 Open Air - Jen DeLuca

That the delegation be received.

5.3 November 11th Parade and Ceremony - Laurie Cavanaugh, Fort Malden Branch of the Royal Canadian Legion

That: 1. The delegation BE RECEIVED; and,
2. That the Remembrance Day Parade BE APPROVED; and,
3. That the fees associated with the Remembrance Day Parade BE WAIVED


6.1 Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program (ICIP) – COVID-19 Resilience Infrastructure Stream Grant Transfer Payment Agreement

That: 1. Authorization BE GIVEN to enter into a Transfer Payment Agreement with the Ministry of Infrastructure under the Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program – COVID-19 Resilience Infrastructure Stream
(ICIP) for funding of up to $463,621 toward the Alma Street Parkette Shoreline Protections and the Park Trail Network at the Libro Centre which have a capital cost of $463,621 including net HST;
2. A capital expenditure not to exceed $200,000 including net HST BE APPROVED as a first charge to the 2022 Budget for repairs to the Alma Street Parkette and Shoreline Protection project be funded from
the ICIP;
3. A capital expenditure not to exceed $424,000 including net HST BE APPROVED as a first charge to the 2022 Budget for repairs to the Parks Trail Network at the Libro Centre project be funded from the
ICIP; and,
4. By-law 2021-057 being a by-law to enter into an agreement with the Ministry of Infrastructure for funding BE TAKEN as having been read three times and finally passed and the Mayor and Clerk BE AUTHORIZED to sign same.


7.1 OCWA Contract Renewal – Water and Wastewater Treatment Systems – Operations, Maintenance and Management Services

That: 1. The agreement with Ontario Clean Water Agency (OCWA) to provide operation, maintenance and management services for Amherstburg
Water and Wastewater Treatment Systems BE ACCEPTED; and,
2. The Mayor and Clerk BE AUTHORIZED to execute the agreement with Ontario Clean Water Agency for Amherstburg Water and Wastewater Treatment Services.


8.1 65-67 Richmond Street Notice of Intent to Designate

That: 1. Notice of Intent to Designate 65-67 Richmond Street BE GIVEN to designate the property by municipal bylaw in accordance with the Ontario Heritage Act;
2. The Notice of Intent to Designate 65-67 Richmond Street CONTAIN the Statement of Cultural Heritage Value or Interest and the list of Heritage Attributes as recommended by the Heritage Committee, as

8.2 Deferred Development Charges-Block 21 Westcott Rd and Block 23 Livingstone Cres.

That item 8.2 BE DEFERRED to the in-camera session following the regular meeting in accordance with the Municipal Act:
1. Section 239(2)(b) - Personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees; and,
2. Section 239(2)(e) - Litigation or potential litigation, including matters before administrative tribunals, affecting the municipality or local board.


9.1 Amendments to the Mandatory Face Covering during a Pandemic Policy

That the Mandatory Face Covering during a Pandemic Policy BE AMENDED in accordance with the administrative report of September 27, 2021.


10.1 Kings Navy Yard Park Extension- Status Update

That the report be received.


11.1 Windsor Police Service, Amherstburg Detachment - Third Quarter Statistics 2021

That the correspondence be received.


Resolution # 20211012-315

That the following correspondence BE RECEIVED:
1. Municipality of Shuniah Letter of Support - Affordable Internet;
2. Municipality of Shuniah Letter of Support - 988 Suicide and Crisis Help
Hotline; and,
3. Municipality of Shuniah Letter of Support - Motion M-84 Anti-Hate Crimes.


Resolution # 20211012-316

That Town Hall BE LIT to recognize the "Light it Up" Community Living Essex County event on October 21, 2021.


Resolution # 20211012-317

That the following By-laws BE ADOPTED:
1. By-law 2021-059 - Appoint Clerk;
2. By-law 2021-058 - Signing Authorities By-law;
3. By-law 2021-060 - Authority to Recover Town Property Damage Claims;
4. By-law 2021-061 - Indemnification of Fire Response Services; and,
5. By-law 2021-062 - Confirmatory By-law October 12, 2021.



That: Administration BE DIRECTED to enter into an agreement with Boyden Global Executive Search to conduct a search for a Chief Administrative Officer for
the Town of Amherstburg; and,
2. An expense not to exceed $37,000 plus HST BE FUNDED from the CAO's Office Professional Fees to enter into an agreement with Boyden Global Executive Search.
