I was happy to support extending the time for pedestrians to cross at certain crosswalks following a protest by seniors at Sandwich and Pickering and supported the installation of a mosaic art piece on the privy in King's Navy Yard Park. Here's how I voted on Sept. 28, 2020:
4.1 Crossing Guard Program - Katherine Meloche
Directed administration to send a letter to Student Transportation Services, along with the province and school boards, asking them to revisit the decision to deny busing service to students.
4.2 Amherstburg Street Pass Program Proposal - Lauri Brouyette
I voted against directing Administration to bring back a report about establishing a BIA because Administration has done this already with little interest from the local business community. I felt the push for a BIA, to be successful, needs to come from businesses.
4.3 Safe Walking Paths and Traffic Calming Measures for Students and Pedestrians - Melissa Hinch
Directed Administration to look into the possibility of red light traffic cameras and come back with a costing in time for the 2021 Budget deliberations.
5.1 Property Tax Rate Reduction – Amherstburg Affordable Housing Development 182 Pickering Drive (Roll 3729 090 000 07100)
Approve By-law 2020-053 being a by-law to authorize a single residential tax rate for municipal purposes for the municipal capital facility for affordable housing at 182 Pickering Drive.
7.1 Lemay-Cookson Pumpworks and Lemay-Cookson Branch Drain
Opposed approving an expenditure of $297,000 to cover the Town's share of the estimated $392,000 Lemay-Cookson drainage project.
7.2 Bridge 3008 – Project Update - Additional Funding Required
Approved an over-expenditure not to exceed $410,897, including a $125,000 contingency allowance for Bridge 3008 over the Long Marsh Drain at Concession 2 North for a total project cost not to exceed $1,593,497.
8.1 Kingsbridge Subdivision Phase 10 Draft Plan of Subdivision, Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment
Directed Administration to advise the County of Essex that Council supports Draft Plan Approval for Phase 10 of Kingsbridge Subdivision.
10.1 Mosaic Art Installation - Privy Building 242 Dalhousie Street
Supported a mosaic art installation a the Navy Yard Privy at 242 Dalhousie Street.
10.2 Paths of Travel – Balaclava Street to Stella Maris Catholic School
Directed Administration to extend the time at pedestrian crosswalks when the pedestrian call buttons are activated at all intersections that are equipped with the call buttons.
13.1 Amherstburg Skate Park
Directed Administration to consult the public and bring back a report outlining the pros, cons and costs of multiple location for the skate park including the Libro, Jack Purdie Park and the Community Hub in the former St. Bernard's School.
13.2 Public Art Dedication Fund
Directed Administration to bring back a report regarding the feasibility of a public art dedication fund as a provision in future development agreements.
16.1 Resolution #20200810-248
Supported the removal of Item #7 from Resolution #20200810-248, stating That Administration BE
DIRECTED to obtain security for any outstanding balances due via a lien.