Census Day In Amherstburg

Make sure and fill out your census form on Census Day today so we can get an accurate picture of the changing demographics of Amherstburg. The information we collectively supply will provide a snapshot of our beautiful Town and help inform our future debates and decisions.

The stone Amherstburg sign on north side of Town"The information you provide is converted into statistics used by communities, businesses and governments to plan services and make informed decisions about employment, education, health care, market development and more,” says Canada’s Chief Statistician Anil Arora.

“The 2021 Census will help us to better understand the impacts of the pandemic for different population groups and communities across the country and ensure we have good data for planning for a post-pandemic recovery and beyond.”

It only takes a few minutes to fill out the short form Census online and Statistics Canada has even created a collection of Spotify and YouTube playlists to help you pass the time while you fill it out.

I'm choosing the Golden Age Playlist, which features Heart of Gold, Big Yellow Taxi, Tom Sawyer and The Weight. You should have received a Census notice in the mail and all you need to do is visit this site and type in your access code. Your answers are kept strictly confidential.

Canadians are urged to participate in the census every five years to “help paint a portrait of Canada’s diverse population and the places where we live.”

The 2021 Census of Population is Canada's 23rd national census. The Census of Agriculture is conducted at the same time and collects information about every agricultural operation in Canada. In 2016, there were 193,650 agricultural operations in Canada, down from 205,889 in 2011.

The completion of the census is mandatory under the Statistics Act and anyone who refuses can be fined $500 and may still be required to complete it.

The 2016 Census told us Amherstburg had 21,936 residents, just 1.8 per cent higher than in 2011, and that we were getting older. Our median age was 44.5, a significant increase from 10 years prior when it was only 38.6.

The age groups with the greatest amount of growth between 2011 and 2016 were older adults aged 55-69 at 18 per cent and seniors aged 70 and older at 20 per cent.

In terms of diversity, the 2016 Census indicated 3.6 per cent of Amherstburg residents identified as visible minorities and that only 8 per cent of our immigrant population had arrived in the last decade, significantly lower than the national average of 22 per cent and the provincial average of 29 per cent.

How have we changed in the last five years? Fill out the census today and help tell the Town's amazing story!

An image of Donald McArthur urging people to sign up for his newsletter!
