I was happy to support Councillor Patricia Simone's Notice of Motion in support of Bill S-216, an Act to enact the Modern Slavery Act and to amend the Customs Tariff, and I was happy to direct Administration to discuss designation of the historic property with the owners of 247 Brock Street. Here's how I voted on January 11, 2021:
8.1 Kingsbridge Subdivision Phase 7A/9A - Acceptance and Assumption of Infrastructure
The recommendations in the letter regarding Kingsbridge Development Phase 7A/9A dated December 08, 2020 from the consulting engineer, Baird AE BE ACCEPTED; and, 2. The underground infrastructure for Kingsbridge Subdivision – Phase 7A/9A BE ACCEPTED and ASSUMED.
9.1 Kingsbridge Subdivision Phase 10- Subdivision Agreement File No. 37-T20003
The Corporation of the Town of Amherstburg ENTER INTO a Subdivision Agreement with 1027579 Ontario Limited and 1078217 Ontario Limited for Kingsbridge Subdivision Phase 10; and, 2. By-law 2021-001 being a By-law to authorize the signing of a Subdivision Agreement for Kingsbridge Subdivision Phase 10 be taken as having been read three times and finally passed and the Mayor and Clerk BE AUTHORIZED to sign same.
11.1 COVID-19 Childcare Funding - Town of Carleton Place
That Administration BE DIRECTED to send a letter in support of the Town of Carleton Place's request to the Provincial Government regarding COVID-19 Childcare Funding.
11.2 Requesting Longer Grant Application Timelines - Township of Matachewan
That Administration BE DIRECTED to send a letter in support of the Township of Matachewan's request that the application deadline on any further grants have a longer turn around time.
12.1 Heritage Committee Minutes - November 12, 2020
That Administration BE DIRECTED to engage the owners of 247 Brock Street in a discussion about designating the property.
12.2 Drainage Board Meeting Minutes - January 5, 2021
The Drainage Board Meeting Minutes of January 5, 2021 BE RECEIVED; 2. Bylaw 2021-002 being a by-law to provide for the Bridges Over the Cook Drain based on the Drainage Report by N.J. Peralta Engineering
Ltd. BE PROVISIONALLY ADOPTED by giving first and second reading and the Mayor and Clerk BE AUTHORIZED to sign same.; 3. The request from Matt and Shelley Kelly for improvements to the McBride Road Branch of the Willow Beach per Section 78 of the Drainage Act BE ACCEPTED; as recommended by the Drainage Board; 4. The appointment of the firm of N.J. Peralta Engineering Ltd. to complete the necessary report for the repair and improvement to the McBride Road Branch of the Willow Beach BE APPROVED, as recommended by the Drainage Board; 5. The report from the Drainage Superintendent and Engineering
Coordinator dated December 10, 2020, regarding the Subsequent Disconnection – Ouellette Drain West (Section 65(4)) BE RECEIVED; as recommended by the Drainage Board; 6. The engineer’s report, prepared by RC Spencer Associates Inc. on December 1, 2020, for the Subsequent Disconnection – Ouellette Drain West (Section 65(4)) BE RECEIVED; as recommended by the Drainage Board; 7. The assessment adjustments as listed in the engineering report prepared by RC Spencer Associates Inc. BE APPROVED, as recommended by the Drainage Board; 8. The report from the Drainage Superintendent and Engineering Coordinator dated December 10, 2020, regarding Various Drainage Apportionments BE RECEIVED; as recommended by the Drainage
Board; and, 9. The drainage apportionments BE APPROVED as listed, as recommended by the Drainage Board:
Consent B/34/19 - Drainage Apportionments for the Ong Drain & Sunset Beach Pumping Scheme – 5671 County Road 18.
Consent B/4/20 – Drainage Apportionments for the Mickle Drain & Sunset Beach Pumping Scheme – 1514 Goodview Ave.
Consent B/5-6-7/20 – Drainage Apportionments for the Ouellette Drain East and Long Marsh Drain – 754 Concession 2N
Consent B/16/20 – Drainage Apportionments for the 8th Concession Drain South and Long Marsh Drain – 8471 Howard Ave.
15.1 Councillor Simone - Support of Bill S-216, an Act to enact the Modern Slavery Act and to amend the Customs Tariff
Whereas it is estimated that at least 40 million men, women and children around the world are victims of modern slavery, a term that is not explicitly defined by international law but encompasses a whole series of practices, including sex and other trafficking and forced marriage, in which a person is exploited or forced to work through violence, threats, coercion, abuse of power or fraud;
And Whereas, of these, 16 million human beings, both adults and children, are trafficked for forced labour in the private sector, according to International Labour Organization estimates;
And Whereas Bill S-216, an Act to enact the Modern Slavery Act and to amend the Customs Tariff, is a tool for transparency to fight against modern slavery and will help Canada to more strictly adhere to the letter of its international commitments;
And Whereas Town of Amherstburg Council understands the severity of modern slavery and wishes to assist in motivating businesses to eliminate the use of any form of child labour in their global supply chains, and empower consumers and investors to engage meaningfully on this important issue;
Now therefore let it be resolved that Town of Amherstburg Council supports Bill S-216, an Act to enact the Modern Slavery Act and a letter indicating Council’s support be sent to the Honourable Julie Miville-Dechene, local MP’s and MPP’s for their information, the Senate, the House of Commons, and all regional Town Councils.
16.1 By-law 2021-005 - Confirmatory By-law
That By-law 2021-005 being a by-law to Confirm all Resolutions of the Municipal Council Meetings held on January 11, 2021, be taken as having been read three times and finally passed and the Mayor and Clerk BE AUTHORIZED to sign same.
The sale of the vacant lot on County Road 41 identified as an approximate 80 foot by 139 foot vacant lot located on the west side of County Road 41 described legally as Lots 13 & 14 Registered Plan 1292 Malden to Mr. Joshua Konopasky in the amount of $85,000 (including costs) plus applicable taxes BE APPROVED; and, 2. The Mayor and Clerk BE AUTHORIZED to sign the required documents to complete the transaction prepared in form and content satisfactory to the Town’s solicitor and financial content satisfactory the to the Director of Corporate Services.