I was happy to approve tenders for 2020 road maintenance projects and supported amending the Procedural By-Law to allow for electronic participation during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Here's how I voted on March 23, 2020:
8.1 2020 Road Repairs Program - Award of Tender
Voted in favour of awarding to Nasci Construction Services Limited a $133,600 plus HST tender for the 2020 Road Repairs program.
8.2 Driveway Alteration or Installation Policy
Voted to defer action on the Driveway Alteration or Installation Policy until the Environment Committee can review the policy and provide recommendations.
8.3 2020 Road Maintenance (Tar and Chip) Program – Award of Tender
Voted in favour of awarding to Shepley Road Maintenance Limited a $201,189 plus HST tender for the 2020 Tar and Chip Road Maintenance program.
10.1 Real Estate Services Agreement Extension
Approved a one-year extension of the contract with Royal LePage Binder Real Estate to provide MLS Real Estate services ending December 31, 2020.
10.2 Council Review – Unfinished Business List
Voted to remove the following 12 items from the Unfinished Business list:
Resolution # 20180813-264 – Print to Braille Accessibility
Resolution # 20181023-348 – Fee for Planting Trees on Public Land
Resolution # 20190408-216 – Operating a Refreshment Cart on Town Property
Resolution # 20190624-342 – Big Creek Wildlife Awareness Signage
Resolution # 20190923-462 – Kings Navy Yard Fishing Extension
Resolution # 20191015-495 – Amendments to Accounts Receivable Policy
Resolution # not assigned – Upgrades to Warren Mickle Park
Resolution # not assigned - $25,000 Proposed in Facilities Capital Budget
Resolution # 20191209-575 – Joint Use Agreement with the Greater Essex County District School Board
Resolution # 20200113-016 – Unfinished Business Items
Resolution # 20200113-013 – Support for AMO Submission regarding Addressing Growing Municipal Liability and Insurance Costs
Resolution # 20200127-025 – Set backs for Refreshments Vehicles
12.3 Canadian Wines Excise Exemption - Grey County Resolution
Directed Administration to send correspondence in support of Grey County's resolution regarding 100% Canadian Wines Excise Exemptions.
12.7 Mapping of Provincially Significant Wetlands - Norfolk County Resolution
Directed Administration to send correspondence in support of Norfolk County's resolution regarding their request that the process for mapping of Provincially Significant Wetlands (PSWs) be significantly improved to allow for transparency and better land owner engagement.
15.1 Electronic Participation in Meetings
Amended the Procedural By-Law to allow for electronic participation during the COVID-19 Pandemic and directed Administration to look into Zoom software for electronic meetings.
15.2 Community Open Mic Sessions
Directed Administration to move the Open Mic sessions from Council Chambers to another suitable location and to continue the Open Mic sessions offered quarterly in Anderdon, Malden, McGregor and River Canard.
15.3 Time-of-Use Electricity Billing
Directed Administration to send correspondence to the Ontario Energy Board and Essex Power Lines in support of the Premier's recommendation to suspend time-of-use electricity billing.