I was happy to support a Day of Action Against Asian Racism and the creation of a policy to support and govern the installation of painted crosswalks in Amherstburg. Here's how I voted on May 10, 2021:
9.1 2021 Fleet Vehicle Purchase
That 1. An over-expenditure for the purchase of a ¾ ton standard cab pick up truck not to exceed $9,900 BE APPROVED for a total cost not to exceed $44,370 including net HST and that the over-expenditure BE
FUNDED from the Fleet Reserve; and,
2. An over-expenditure for the purchase of a ¾ ton crew cab pick up truck not to exceed $6,000 BE APPROVED for a total cost not to exceed $45,252 including net HST and that the over-expenditure BE FUNDED from the Fleet Reserve.
10.1 Zoning By-law Amendment for 4401 Concession 4 S
That By-law 2021-024 being a by-law to amend Zoning By-law No. 1999-52, to amend the zoning for the subject lands known as 4401 Concession 4 S, be taken as having been read three times and finally passed and the Mayor and Clerk BE AUTHORIZED to sign same.
10.2 Zoning By-law Amendment for 5569 Concession 5 N
That By-law 2021-023 being a by-law to amend Zoning By-law No. 1999-52, to amend the zoning for the subject lands known as 5569 Concession 5 N, be taken as having been read three times and finally passed and the Mayor and Clerk BE AUTHORIZED to sign same.
12.1 Amherstburg Accessibility Advisory Committee Achievements and Objectives in 2020
That the following information reports BE RECEIVED: 12.1 Amherstburg Accessibility Advisory Committee Achievements and Objectives in 2020
13 Resolution # 20210510-154
That the following consent correspondence BE RECEIVED:
13.1 Lottery Licensing to Assist Small Organizations - Town of South Bruce Peninsula Resolution
13.2 NAV Canada Aeronautical Study at Windsor International Airport - YQG, Windsor International Airport
13.3 Source Water Protection Legislation - Town of Fort Erie Resolution
14.1 Day of Action Against Asian Racism - May 10, 2021
That May 10, 2021, BE PROCLAIMED as Day of Action Against Asian Racism in the Town of Amherstburg.
15 Resolution # 20210510-156
That the following minutes BE RECEIVED: 15.1 Committee of Adjustment Meeting Minutes - April 27, 2021
16.1 Drainage Board Meeting Minutes - April 6, 2021
That: 1. The Drainage Board Meeting Minutes of April 6, 2021 BE RECEIVED;
2. The appeal from Joe Grondin relating to the assessment of Culvert #8 BE DENIED and the assessment as presented by R. Dobbin Engineering Inc. BE ACCEPTED, as recommended by the Drainage Board;
3. The request from 1583953 Ontario Inc. per Section 78 of the Drainage Act BE ACCEPTED, as recommended by the Drainage Board;
4. The appointment of the firm of R. Dobbin Engineering Inc. to complete the necessary report for the repair and improvement to the Morgan Drain and South Branch BE APPROVED, as recommended by the Drainage Board;
5. The report from the Drainage Superintendent and Engineering Coordinator dated March 22, 2021 regarding Various Drainage Apportionments BE RECEIVED, as recommended by the Drainage
Board; and,
6. The following drainage apportionments BE APPROVED as listed:
Consent B/30/19 - Drainage Apportionments for the Jeths Drain - 128 Texas Rd.
Consent B/8-9/20 - Drainage Apportionments for the Dufour Drain and Sucker Creek Drain - 8121 Middle Sideroad
Consent B/25/20 - Drainage Apportionments for the Mitchell Drain - 7273 County Road 50
New Business
18.2 Resolution # 20210510-158
That Administration BE DIRECTED to send correspondence to the Windsor-Essex County Health Unit regarding additional education for local businesses in the Windsor-Essex region on the enforcement of and
exemptions to wearing a face mask listed under O.Reg. 364-20 with emphasis added to the education of the exemptions to the Regulation and how they should and should not be enforced.
18.3 Resolution # 20210510-159
That Administration BE DIRECTED to look into a Crosswalk Art policy for the Town of Amherstburg similar to the streetscape initiative in the City of Windsor.
20.1 By-law 2019-095 - John Parks No. 1 Drain Improvements - 3rd & Final Reading
That By-law 2019-095 being a by-law to provide for the John Parks No. 1 Drain Improvements be taken as having been read a 3rd & Final Time, as amended, and the Mayor and Clerk BE AUTHORIZED to sign same.
20.2 By-law 2020-062 - John Parks Drain No. 2 Improvements - 3rd & Final Reading
That By-law 2020-062 being a by-law to provide for the John Parks Drain No. 2 Improvements be taken as having been read a 3rd & Final Time, as amended, and the Mayor and Clerk BE AUTHORIZED to sign same.
20.3 By-law 2021-033 - Confirmatory By-law
That By-law 2021-033 being a by-law to Confirm all Resolutions of the Municipal Council Meetings held on May 10, 2021, be taken as having been read three times and finally passed and the Mayor and Clerk BE
AUTHORIZED to sign same.