I was happy to support a pilot project with Transit Windsor and approve the installation of new playgrounds for Jack Purdie Park and Briar Ridge Park. Here's how I voted on May 24, 2022.
7.1 Drive to Thrive Annual Event Sponsorship - Mandy Luckino, REACT Windsor-Essex
That the delegation BE RECEIVED.
7.2 Laurie Cavanaugh, Royal Canadian Legion, Fort Malden Branch
That the delegation BE RECEIVED.
7.3 Amendment to Noise By-law 2001-43 Report - Gary and Carmelina Wellman
That the delegation BE RECEIVED.
12.4 Amendment to By-law 2001-43
That: 1. The report from the Manager of Licensing and Enforcement dated April 21, 2022 regarding an amendment to By-law 2001-43 BE RECEIVED for information;
2. Administration BE DIRECTED to encourage, educate and work with entities or individuals who are planning outdoor entertainment events to apply for a noise exemption for each outdoor entertainment event that has the potential to violate By-law 2001-43, A By-law Respecting the Emission of Sound in the Town of Amherstburg;
3. Administration BE DIRECTED to amend By-law 2001-43 to include within the noise exemption application process a provision that the applicant pay the cost of placing notice of such waivers in the local newspaper and that the notice be placed on the Town website;
4. Administration BE DIRECTED to develop and conduct public education regarding the By-law 2001-43; and,
5. Resolution 20200113-006 BE RESCINDED.
9.1 Libro Re-piping Kube System – Tender Award
That: 1. Council APPROVE a reallocation of funds from Capital Project LIBRO – 006 Light Standards and LIBRO-007 Replace Lexon Panels which will no longer be completed in order to fund LIBRO-005, Re-pipe Kube System that was tendered and is over budget and further;
2. Tender #2022-017 Libro Centre Piping Replacement be APPROVED in the amount of $222,000 plus HST and awarded to low bidder WINMECH LTD to supply all labour and materials to completely replace existing failing piping for the Kube System as outlined in Tender 2022-017 and
3. The Mayor and the Town Clerk BE AUTHORIZED to sign a contract in the amount of $222,000.00 inclusive of contingency with low bidder (WINMECH LTD) satisfactory in form to the Town Clerk, financial content to the Chief Financial Officer, and technical content to the Director Parks, Facilities, Recreation and Culture.
9.2 Playground Design, Supply and Installation for Jack Purdie and Briar Ridge Park RFP #2022-011
That: 1. The Mayor and the Town Clerk BE AUTHORIZED to sign a contract with New World Park Solutions to an upset limit of $550,000 for the complete design, supply and installation of playground equipment and site servicing including site preparation work at Jack Purdie and Briar Ridge parks satisfactory in form to the Town Clerk, financial content to the Chief Financial Officer, and technical content to the Director Parks, Facilities, Recreation and Culture;
2. $550,000 BE FUNDED from the Parks Reserve Fund as per Council Resolution 20210208-031; and,
3. Council DELEGATE authority to the Chief Administrative Officer to award and issue purchase orders and/or sign and execute any agreements as may be required for the necessary services to execute the scope of work for the Playground replacement project at Jack Purdie and Briar Ridge parks.
10.1 Transit Service – Transit Windsor Pilot Project
That: 1. Administration BE DIRECTED to proceed with a 2-year transit service pilot with Transit Windsor that includes Option 3 routing for weekdays and weekends year round;
2. The Chief Administrative Officer and the Clerk BE AUTHORIZED to take any such action required to effect the recommendation noted above and sign any required documentation/agreement(s) for the implementation of the 2-year transit service pilot, satisfactory in legal form to the Clerk, in technical content to Director of Infrastructure Services and in financial content to the Chief Financial Officer; and further;
3. An estimated operational expenditure of $200,000 and $150,000 BE APPROVED as a first charge to the 2023 and 2024 Operating Budget respectively for the 2-year transit service pilot project;
4. Council DIRECT Administration to seek any grant opportunities for the project:
a. That Administration BE APPROVED to submit an application for grant opportunities available for the project and;
b. That the Clerk and Mayor BE AUTHORIZED to sign agreements for grant opportunities offered.
10.2 2nd Concession North Engineering Services – Request for Proposal Results
That: 1. The engineering services for the rehabilitation / reconstruction of 2nd Concession North from South Riverview Drive to County Road 10 BE
AWARDED to Hrycay Consulting Engineers Inc.;
2. An over-expenditure of $13,005 BE APPROVED for a total not to exceed $138,005.00 (including net HST) to be funded as outlined in the report from the Manager of Engineering dated May 24th, 2022; and,
3. The Mayor and Clerk BE AUTHORIZED to execute an agreement with Hrycay Consulting Engineers Inc. for the Engineering Services for 2nd Concession North Rehabilitation / Reconstruction.
10.3 Acceptance and Assumption of Kingsbridge Sanitary Trunk Sewer
That: 1. The recommendations of the consulting engineer, Baird AE regarding the assumption of the Kingsbridge Sanitary Trunk Sewer on Maintenance BE ACCEPTED; and,
2. The Kingsbridge Sanitary Trunk Sewer BE ACCEPTED AND ASSUMED.
11.1 Site Plan and Development Agreement- 225 Sandwich St N, Riverview Apartments Phase 1
That: 1. The Site Plan and Development Agreement with 1603941 Ontario Inc. for 225 Sandwich Street North BE APPROVED subject to being satisfactory in technical content to the Director of Development Services, financial content to the Director of Corporate Services and Chief Financial Officer and in form and legal content to the Director of Legislative Services/Clerk; and,
2. By-law 2022-055 being a by-law to authorize the signing of the Development Agreement be taken as having been read three times and finally passed and the Mayor and Clerk BE AUTHORIZED to sign the same.
11.2 Official Plan Amendment No. 14 for 247 Brock Street
12.1 Naloxone use by First Responders and available in the Municipal Workplaces
2. The Fire Chief BE AUTHORIZED to implement the Naloxone program as outlined in the report of May 2, 2022 entitled Naloxone use by First Responders and available in the Municipal Workplaces.
12.2 2022 Special Events Approval – Part III
i. Canadian Cancer Society-Relay for Life: June 11, 2022
ii. Canada D’Eh 5K Run – July 1, 2022
2. An exemption from table number 3-1(2) of Noise By-law #2001-43 with respect to the operation of any electronic device or group of connected electronic devices incorporating one or more loudspeakers to allow for music BE GRANTED for the following events:
i. Canadian Cancer Society – Relay for Life
ii. Canada D’Eh 5K Run
3. The following events BE EXEMPT and PERMITTED for road closures to begin prior to 5pm:
i. Canada D’Eh 5K Run
4. The fee waiver requests BE APPROVED as follows:
i. Canadian Cancer Society: $923.89
5. The Public Events Committee BE DIRECTED to confirm that the requirements identified by the Committee are met prior to issuing an event permit.
12.3 Appointment to the Dangerous Dog Appeal Committee
2. Tony Pietrangelo BE APPOINTED to serve on the Dangerous Dog Appeal Committee.
Resolution # 20220524-16
That the following information report BE RECEIVED:
13.1 Resignation from the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee
Resolution # 20220524-17
That the following consent correspondence BE RECEIVED:
14.1 17th Annual Amherstburg Chamber of Commerce Business Excellence Awards Sponsorship Opportunity BE RECEIVED; and, That a donation of $350 be made to the 17th Annual Amherstburg
Chamber of Commerce Business Excellence Awards.
14.2 Endorsement of Active School Travel Charter for Windsor-Essex County - County of Essex BE RECEIVED.
15.1 Recognizing National AccessAbility Week and Raising a Regional Accessibility Flag - Essex County Accessibility Advisory Committee
That: 1. The Town PROMOTE education and awareness of National AccessAbility Week to its staff and through its social media platforms between May 29, 2022 and June 4, 2022; and,
2. The Regional Accessibility Flag BE RAISED AND FLOWN from May 29, 2022 to June 4, 2022 to recognize National Accessibility Week.
15.2 2022 Emancipation Proclamation and Commemoration in Town of Amherstburg - Amherstburg Freedom Museum
That August 1, 2022, BE PROCLAIMED Emancipation Day in the Town of Amherstburg.
Resolution # 20220524-20
16.1 Co-An Park Committee Meeting Minutes of April 13, 2022
16.2 Co-An Park Committee Minutes of May 11, 2022
16.3 Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes of March 30, 2022
16.4 Amherstburg Accessibility Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes of May 4, 2022
21.1 - 21.2
That By-law 2022-054 being a by-law to appoint a Chief Building Official and Inspectors, for the enforcement of the Building Code Act, 1992, as amended, for the Town of Amherstburg, be taken as having been read three times and finally passed, and the Mayor and Clerk BE AUTHORIZED to sign same.
That By-law 2022-058 being a by-law to Confirm all Resolutions of the Municipal Council Meetings held on May 24, 2022, be taken as having been read three times and finally passed and the Mayor and Clerk BE AUTHORIZED to sign same.