I was happy to support the plans of the Miracle League of Amherstburg and a joint-use agreement with the public school board that will enhance access to facilities for Town residents. I also supported the new True Festival and amendments to the noise bylaw that would allow for outdoor music on patios.
Here's how I voted on January 13, 2020:
6.1 Sunparlor R/C Flyers Inc. - Exemption to and Review of Noise By-law - Paul Sousa
Directed Administration to bring back a report with an amendment to Section 3 of Noise By-law 2001-43.
6.3 Construction of New Fieldhouse and Entrance Way to Miracle League - Chuck Bondy and Brian McGee, Miracle League of Amherstburg
Voted to support the project and approved all request made by the Miracle League.
7.1 Legion Noise Study Findings - Colin Novak, Akoustik Engineering Ltd
Directed Administration to amend Noise By-law 2001-43 to allow commercial properties with patios to request seasonal exemptions to allow for outdoor music and to allow a reading of 70 decibels from the source of where the music is produced
9.1 TRUE Festival
Approved the TRUE Festival. I wrote more about it here.
9.2. Joint Use Agreement with GECDSB for Use of Recreational Facilities
Approved the Joint Use Agreement between the Town and the Greater Essex County District School Board. I wrote more about it here.
11.1 Removal of Part Lot Control, Big Creek Subdivision 12M-505
Passed By-law 2020-002 being a by-law for Removal of Part Lot Control, Big Creek Subdivision.
14.3 Royal Canadian Legion - Military Service Recognition Book
Supported a 1/2 page, black & white advertisement in the amount of $730.00 in the Royal Canadian Legion – 2020 Military Service Recognition Book.
14.4 City of Pickering - Addressing Growing Municipal Liability and Insurance Costs
Supported the AMO submission to the Attorney General of Ontario regarding Addressing Growing Municipal Liability and Insurance Costs.
16.1 Unfinished Business List
Directed Administration to keep all Unfinished Business Items on the Unfinished Business List until the item has been completed.
17.1 Municipal Representation on Essex County Nurse Led Practitioner Clinic Committee
Directed Administration to contact the Essex County Nurse Practitioner Led Clinic (ECNPLC) to understand their request for Municipal representation on their Community Advisory Committee.
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